I was wondering what advice you would give on the subject of creatine. I realize you use Anabolic Load and so get creatine from that. But otherwise do you have a favorite creatine product? How would you suggest cycling? Mono or ethyl ester? Just curious. Always looking to pick someone so knowledgeable’s brain. Thanks.
Well the specific type of creatine used in the Anaconda protocol is Creatine Pyruvate so I guess that would be his recommendation! Look out for the creatine article here on tnation by Nikhil Rao.
when you first start using creatine, yes, you will see a jump in performance and then the increase will taper down. BUT although the effects became less pronounced, your strength/performance will be greater than your baseline (with out creatine) and will stay there with consistent use
[quote]Nyral wrote:
Well the specific type of creatine used in the Anaconda protocol is Creatine Pyruvate so I guess that would be his recommendation! Look out for the creatine article here on tnation by Nikhil Rao.[/quote]
[quote]MAF14 wrote:
there is no need to cycle… think of it this way
you have a baseline level of strength/performance
when you first start using creatine, yes, you will see a jump in performance and then the increase will taper down. BUT although the effects became less pronounced, your strength/performance will be greater than your baseline (with out creatine) and will stay there with consistent use [/quote]
How do you feel about a wave style of cycling? When the user stays on creatine constantly but waves up and down the amount they take. Such as three weeks with 10g per day then three with 5g per day and repeat.
Once your creatine stores are topped off, taking more creatine won’t do any good. Which is way missing a day isn’t a big deal as you probably won’t deplete what you’ve stored up. IMO take it before training to get some use out of the creatine during the session and then don’t worry about it.
[quote]Nyral wrote:
Well the specific type of creatine used in the Anaconda protocol is Creatine Pyruvate so I guess that would be his recommendation! Look out for the creatine article here on tnation by Nikhil Rao.[/quote]
[quote]MAF14 wrote:
there is no need to cycle… think of it this way
you have a baseline level of strength/performance
when you first start using creatine, yes, you will see a jump in performance and then the increase will taper down. BUT although the effects became less pronounced, your strength/performance will be greater than your baseline (with out creatine) and will stay there with consistent use [/quote]
How do you feel about a wave style of cycling? When the user stays on creatine constantly but waves up and down the amount they take. Such as three weeks with 10g per day then three with 5g per day and repeat.
i have never tried that nor heard anyone report it being more effective…
if you’re really that worried about do something like 10 grams per day, EVERY day.
5 grams with frst meal of the day (carbs?)
5 grams pre-workout
When taking creatine by itself, monohydrate is the way to go. All those ethyl ester and such have not been proven to be more effective and are certainly not worth the cost. The creatine pyruvate in Anaconda works best for the protocol because of how fast it can be used. But if you are using creatine only, then monohydrate is fine. I normally recommend 5g in the morning and 5g pre-workout too.
Which means: no loading. I see no point in loading. Constantly having full creatine stores will get a lot of people 1-2 more reps per set, which will lead to more growth in the long run. Why would you ever go off creatine? And why would you pour water into a full bucket? Lots of people spend more on coffee in a day than a month on creatine costs.
Issue 628(I think): Sucker Punch - Dr. Ziegenfuss: (quoted language below) (note: even though it is apparently shit I really do enjoy the taste of controlled labs green magnitude lemonade)
TM: Very interesting. What would you say is the biggest scam in the industry?
TM: Really? I always figured simple, plain old creatine monohydrate was the gold star considering that’s the form used in all the initial clinical trials.
TZ: You’re spot on, and apart from creatine pyruvate and perhaps creatine magnesium chelate, none of the other forms on the market are worth the price. Supplement companies are constantly searching for the “next creatine” that next supplement that’s going to safely deliver strength and lean mass gains above and beyond creatine monohydrate. Since they can’t find it, they’re trying to just tweak the molecule slightly or reinvent it by using some sort of goofy (but unproven) delivery system. It’s a page straight out of Marketing 101.
TM: Staying with creatine, I know that it’s been studied harder than Jessica Biel’s backside, but are there any new or interesting findings on it?
TZ: I don’t know if “new” is the right word because the studies have been out for some time. But creatine monohydrate has been shown to increase intramuscular levels of IGF-1 and decrease serum myostatin concentrations [thus allowing the muscle to grow bigger]. Both of these effects may play a direct role in how creatine increases muscle growth in response to resistance exercise. Throw those tidbits at half-wit personal trainers who say creatine just causes water retention!
[quote]marshmac wrote:
do you guys take creatine on a rest or cardio day?
i’m currently on v2 and i was looking for a mix to take on a cardio day. i’m thinking of a scoop of MAG-10, cretine and Leucine.
any suggestions[/quote]
That I know of creatine holds few benefits towards endurance, at least as far as lowering ones times while running or cycling, but it will speed up your recovery, due to the fact that it helps lower your lactate and ammonia levels, and it will help keep on the muscle mass you already have.
[quote]Christian Thibaudeau wrote:
When taking creatine by itself, monohydrate is the way to go. All those ethyl ester and such have not been proven to be more effective and are certainly not worth the cost. The creatine pyruvate in Anaconda works best for the protocol because of how fast it can be used. But if you are using creatine only, then monohydrate is fine. I normally recommend 5g in the morning and 5g pre-workout too.[/quote]
Thib do you believe that creatine is superior taken before the workout instead of after? And is its absorption adequate when just taken with water?
[quote]CPerfringens wrote:
Do you have a protocol for loading?[/quote]
With total newbies in the past he has recommended a 3-6(?) time daily combo of 5g creatine, 5g BCAA, and 5g glutamine. I tried searching for it, but had issues finding it.