I must have missed your departure on the blitz page; glad to hear you actually had the ability to continue training at your resort.
Reposted from the blitz page:
Coach, I was wondering what your thoughts are on additional ESW during a mass phase?
So often I hear recommendations to not lift a pinkie when eating massive amounts of clean food to gain mass. At the same time, so often do I see the fat guys in the gym giving the old ‘bulking’ excuse for their unhealthy bodyfat. Coincidence?
Also, with that question, I’m curious if you recommend against any particular ‘health-promoting’ foods while on the aforementioned mass phase? What I mean is, for example, perhaps kale and spinach are far too satiating and will give you great amounts of micronutrients but leave no space for the heavy macro intake required to build muscle, something of that nature.
EDIT: (One more question came to mind)
I’ve been reading a ton of material you’ve written regarding carb cycling, fat loss, your refined physique transformation article, etc. With regards to dieting away the adipose, do you find it better to make sudden drops in calories or ease it down little by little?
I was under the impression you favored the latter, following the path of results or lack thereof. However, I’ve been experimenting with the AD and, more recently, Berardi’s Get Shredded. I worried however that when reducing my calories to something so low, the effect wouldn’t be as great because my metabolism has been slowed due to several weeks of dieting.
So, although I’ve seen you say things in favor of dieting slowly, I’ve also seen you profess against metabolic slowdown brought on by long periods of dieting. Could you shed some light on this?
(In short)
A)What are your thoughts are on additional ESW during a mass phase (consisting only of strength training)?
B)Do you recommend AGAINST any particular, typically ‘health-promoting’ foods while on a mass phase?
C)What is your opinion on dieting slowly versus suddenly, and how to best combat metabolic slowdown?