I tried starting a log a while ago but I stopped it after my gf says ‘wow i’ve never noticed how skinny your legs are don’t you ever train them at the gym?’… then I looked at my training program and I was only doing legs 3 times a week…
I’ve fucking had enough of having skinny fucking legs! I’ve tried the pillars of strength program, i’ve tried the “squat!” program, i’ve done running up hills 3 days a week with squatting heavy etc. etc. but it didn’t work as well as I had hoped, it’s time to get extreme.
Now, i’ve finally decided to go all out, and fucking annihilate my legs in order to make them grow. I will run this following program until I either a) become unable to walk, or b) become depressed. Then I will take a 5 day break and do it again!
I will train through soreness, I will eat like a starved animal and I am going to log this and show you how things go.
Currently my leg measurements & weight:
calves - 14"
thigh - 20"
weight: 141lbs
height: 5’7"
<<<THE PROGRAM!!>>>… I call it, ‘Fuck you skinny legs’
monday AM - calves/legs
gastroc/quad-dominant focus
calf raise on leg press (medium foot spacing) - 6x4+ - 60 sec rest
calf raise on leg press (narrow foot spacing) - 4x8 - 30-60 sec rest
front squat - 5x10+ - 120 sec rest
hack squat (wide-stance) - 3x15 - 60 sec rest
heel-toe farmers walk, (heaviest db’s i can hold) 2x30 steps per leg - 60 sec rest
tuesday AM - calves/legs
soleus focus/hip-dominant focus
seated calf raise - 6x4+ - 60 sec rest
seated calf raise (wide foot spacing, toes out) - 4x8 - 30-60 sec rest
sumo deadlift - 5x10+ - 120 sec rest
lying leg curl - 5x5 - 60 sec rest
db tip toe lunge (hold lunge position for 3 sec) - 5x5 - 60 sec rest
wednesday AM - calves/legs
gastroc focus/quad-dominant focus
standing calf raise - 8x10 - 40 sec rest
standing DB calf raise (heaviest db’s i can hold) 2xMax - 60 sec rest
back squat - 3x20 - 120 sec rest
leg press - 3x12 - 120 sec rest
thursday AM - calves/legs
soleus focus/hip-dominant focus
seated calf raise - 8x10 - 40 sec rest
tip toe lunge - 2x15 - 60 sec rest
deadlift - 5x5 - 120 sec rest
standing leg curl - 3x12 - 60 sec rest
friday AM - calves/legs
gastroc focus /quad-dominant focus
calf raise on leg press (medium foot spacing) - 6x4+ - 60 sec rest
standing calf raise - 4x8 - 30-60 sec rest
front squat - 5x10+ - 120 sec rest
lying leg curl - 5x5 - 60 sec rest
saturday - calves/legs
soleus focus/hip-dominant focus
seated calf raise - 6x4+ - 60 sec rest
seated calf raise (wide foot spacing, toes in) - 4x8 - 30-60 sec rest
sumo deadlift - 5x10+ - 120 sec rest
hack squat (close stance) - 3x15 - 60 sec rest
Sunday: rest
basically where it says 5x10+ or 6x4+ that means I will take a 10RM or 4RM then try and push it up to a 15RM or 8RM, at which point ill find a new 10RM & 4RM and start over, constant progression.
And yes, thats right, leg & calve training 6 days a week. But what about the upper body? well here’s what I plan to do for that:
On monday PM… chin ups, arms, dips
On tuesday PM… i will do chin ups & incline bench
on wednesday PM… dips, military press
Thursday PM - chin ups, arms
Friday PM - incline bench, chin ups
Saturday with the calves & legs… Military press & more dips.
On the upperbody exercises ill start an exercise with a 6RM weight and aim to take it to 10. ill go heavy and push the RM once or twice a week, the rest of the sessions ill do something else to aid hypertrophy.
So there you have it… Hell begins tomorrow