Some of you may have checked out the thread that I started recently concerning a treatment I’d like to try for an autoimmune disorder using Deca as the primary therapeutic compound. It was a lot of help for me, but I’ve since hit something of a roadblock (possibly from information overload) and was hoping a forum vet might be kind enough to help steer me in the right direction.
What I did was come up with a reasonable dosage for the Deca that I believe may be effective, and a testosterone replacement dosage to run alongside it for obvious reasons. Where I’ve run into difficulty is on how to approach the PCT.
The cycle I’ll be doing amounts pretty much to the following (I’m 33, and this will be my first cycle):
Week 1-10: Deca ~350mg /wk
Week 1-12: Test E ~150mg /wk
Week 1-12: Clomid 12.5mg /day
…with Cabergoline on hand.
I considered trying the test taper, but I prefer to be fully recovered sooner, since I may be starting another Deca cycle at that time. Therefore, since I’m already running low-dose Clomid throughout the cycle, I figured a Clomid-only, SERM-style PCT might be in order, but I don’t know when to stop / start the during-cycle Clomid, or when to start the post-cycle Clomid; and given the relatively low doses of Deca and Test E, I don’t really know how to adjust my post-cycle Clomid doses either.
How low should the Deca, Test E, or (Deca + Test E) levels have fallen before I stop the Clomid I’m taking during the cycle, and how low should they get before I start the Clomid post-cycle? Or should I just keep taking the Clomid at 12.5 mg/d, and raise the dosage when total drug levels fall to ~10 mg/day or so?
Does anybody have any input for me? I prefer to keep things as simple as possible.