1st cycle was 12 weeks test e 300 1.5mg once a week. PCT got delayed to 3.5 weeks after last jab (I know), Clomid 100/100/50/50 Novla 40/40/20/20.
Delayed PCT caused massive crash (no HCG as well) Still have low low libido in Last week of PCT. I�´ve read other comments about sex drive suffering for a few weeks+ AFTER PCT. Lesson LEARNED THE HARD WAY!
So, how long to recovery and / or am I likely to make a full recovery?
How long should I wait after PCT to get blood work done?
Do I need to ask for particular tests?
Age 28
Height 6,3
Weight 92 kg
Train 4/5 times a week.
Well Clomid seems to have some estrogenic side effects associated to it so your loss of libido could be from it.
Did you take an aromatase inhibitor during the cycle?
You could wait a few weeks to let the SERM clear from your system and see how you feel. If you’re libido is still down labs can help you figure out what’s happening
Total Testosterone
Free Testosterone
Did you take an aromatase inhibitor during the cycle?
No. I had Armidex ready but didn’t show any signs of gynecomastia. Should I have ran it anyway? I though I only needed an AI if gyno showed, which it didn’t? Would it have helped recovery?
Did you take an aromatase inhibitor during the cycle?
No. I had Armidex ready but didn’t show any signs of gynecomastia. Should I have ran it anyway? I though I only needed an AI if gyno showed, which it didn’t? Would it have helped recovery?[/quote]
aromasin and nolva would have been a better choice for PCT. stacking nolva and clomid seems to cause problems for a lot of people, and offer no real benefit in addition to each other.
Did you take an aromatase inhibitor during the cycle?
No. I had Armidex ready but didn’t show any signs of gynecomastia. Should I have ran it anyway? I though I only needed an AI if gyno showed, which it didn’t? Would it have helped recovery?[/quote]
aromasin and nolva would have been a better choice for PCT. stacking nolva and clomid seems to cause problems for a lot of people, and offer no real benefit in addition to each other.
Thanks for the link, the Clomid vs Nolva vs both together debate got me a bit confused as there´s so many posts with conflicting info, so, I went for both but will certainly continue reading and make a more informed decision next time around.
When you say the two are known for causing problems when used together, what kind of problems? The same as I am experiencing?
Another week/2 of PCT to go. What would you expect regarding recovering sex drive etc after I´ve finished? Actually I´ll re-phrase as I know there’s no answer for that. But considering the cycle,PCT,mistakes is what I´m experiencing normal?
Also, how long to wait after PCT for blood tests? 4-6 weeks is what I´ve thought. I´m jus gutted I didn´t get a panel done before the cycle to get a baseline.
If I’m not mistaking the half life of those drugs is around 5-7 days so in 28 days some 4-5 half lives have passed so to take the tests then would not be a bad idea.
Having the blood tests from before the cycle would have been useful but no point thinking about that now. In any case, what you want is an improvement of the symptoms, not merely good numbers on your lab results. The labs will give you clues and point you in the right direction.
Clomid does seem to kill libido for some, so you could be experiencing this.
I would finish the PCT, wait 4 weeks, asses symptoms and take labs to be sure. Then you will have more information to make decisions about what to do next if the symptoms have not subsided by then.
Did you take an aromatase inhibitor during the cycle?
No. I had Armidex ready but didn’t show any signs of gynecomastia. Should I have ran it anyway? I though I only needed an AI if gyno showed, which it didn’t? Would it have helped recovery?[/quote]
aromasin and nolva would have been a better choice for PCT. stacking nolva and clomid seems to cause problems for a lot of people, and offer no real benefit in addition to each other.
Thanks for the link, the Clomid vs Nolva vs both together debate got me a bit confused as there�´s so many posts with conflicting info, so, I went for both but will certainly continue reading and make a more informed decision next time around.
When you say the two are known for causing problems when used together, what kind of problems? The same as I am experiencing?
Another week/2 of PCT to go. What would you expect regarding recovering sex drive etc after IÃ?´ve finished? Actually IÃ?´ll re-phrase as I know there’s no answer for that. But considering the cycle,PCT,mistakes is what IÃ?´m experiencing normal?
Also, how long to wait after PCT for blood tests? 4-6 weeks is what I�´ve thought. I�´m jus gutted I didn�´t get a panel done before the cycle to get a baseline.
well, here are some of the issues i have with stacking clomid and nolva…
they both do similar things in the body. SERMs essentially act like estrogen on various receptors in the body, and this negative feedback is what helps the HPTA recover. however, it seems based off anecdotal reports, that a lot of people simply do not recover well from the 2 of these, and even develop gyno… one theory, is that too much of either (or a combination of the 2) causes the SERMs to actually act as estrogen on various receptors… not sure how accurate that is, tho. might be a bell curve type thing there…
clomid causes a decrease in responsiveness in GnRH, which means your body will not produce as much LH and FSH when choosing clomid.
head to head, nolva and clomid both increase test, LH, and all that. however, nolva does it at 20 mg vs clomid’s 150 mg.
nolva does not have all the weird-ass emotion and vision issues that clomid does…
stacking nolva with aromasin will give you better results in PCT, as you’ll be prevent the binding of E at the receptor (nolva), and actually lowering E levels (aromasin). aromasin is nice, because it binds “suicidally” to estrogen, which means that you won’t have a rebound after the drug clears the system (like other AI’s do).
Did you take an aromatase inhibitor during the cycle?
No. I had Armidex ready but didn’t show any signs of gynecomastia. Should I have ran it anyway? I though I only needed an AI if gyno showed, which it didn’t? Would it have helped recovery?[/quote]
aromasin and nolva would have been a better choice for PCT. stacking nolva and clomid seems to cause problems for a lot of people, and offer no real benefit in addition to each other.
Thanks for the link, the Clomid vs Nolva vs both together debate got me a bit confused as there�??�?�´s so many posts with conflicting info, so, I went for both but will certainly continue reading and make a more informed decision next time around.
When you say the two are known for causing problems when used together, what kind of problems? The same as I am experiencing?
Another week/2 of PCT to go. What would you expect regarding recovering sex drive etc after IÃ???Ã??Ã?´ve finished? Actually IÃ???Ã??Ã?´ll re-phrase as I know there’s no answer for that. But considering the cycle,PCT,mistakes is what IÃ???Ã??Ã?´m experiencing normal?
Also, how long to wait after PCT for blood tests? 4-6 weeks is what I�??�?�´ve thought. I�??�?�´m jus gutted I didn�??�?�´t get a panel done before the cycle to get a baseline.
well, here are some of the issues i have with stacking clomid and nolva…
they both do similar things in the body. SERMs essentially act like estrogen on various receptors in the body, and this negative feedback is what helps the HPTA recover. however, it seems based off anecdotal reports, that a lot of people simply do not recover well from the 2 of these, and even develop gyno… one theory, is that too much of either (or a combination of the 2) causes the SERMs to actually act as estrogen on various receptors… not sure how accurate that is, tho. might be a bell curve type thing there…
clomid causes a decrease in responsiveness in GnRH, which means your body will not produce as much LH and FSH when choosing clomid.
head to head, nolva and clomid both increase test, LH, and all that. however, nolva does it at 20 mg vs clomid’s 150 mg.
nolva does not have all the weird-ass emotion and vision issues that clomid does…
stacking nolva with aromasin will give you better results in PCT, as you’ll be prevent the binding of E at the receptor (nolva), and actually lowering E levels (aromasin). aromasin is nice, because it binds “suicidally” to estrogen, which means that you won’t have a rebound after the drug clears the system (like other AI’s do).[/quote]
Thanks to everyone that commented for me. The info has been useful and kept stress levels down a bit too! My problem is not resolved yet and since I´ve nearly finished PCT and baring in mind what Rustypelican said 2 posts above I have made another post on 2ndPCT / Restart.
If any of you guys can have a look, Id be grateful.
Hey I read your post about your first cycle and I am looking for some PCT advice as I am running a very similar Test E only cycle.
10 week 250mg 2x a week. = 500mg a week
2 weeks after my last pin I start my PCT. My problem is that I wanted to use Clomid as a PCT but it is hard to find where I live. My source can only get me Nolvadex. I know that after the Nolvadex is taken, my Testosterone levels will still be very low and I will lose alot of gains because Nolva does not do anything to raise Test level, Clomid does on the other hand.
Also I want to have Arimidex on hand just in case during cycle but also hard to get.
What other thing can I take to help get my test levels back to normal since Nolva won’t do that. I am going to take a pre cycle blood lab and take one after the PCT because I read your post and how it would have been nice to compare the results.
[quote]EndlessInferno wrote:
Hey I read your post about your first cycle and I am looking for some PCT advice as I am running a very similar Test E only cycle.
10 week 250mg 2x a week. = 500mg a week
2 weeks after my last pin I start my PCT. My problem is that I wanted to use Clomid as a PCT but it is hard to find where I live. My source can only get me Nolvadex. I know that after the Nolvadex is taken, my Testosterone levels will still be very low and I will lose alot of gains because Nolva does not do anything to raise Test level, Clomid does on the other hand.
Also I want to have Arimidex on hand just in case during cycle but also hard to get.
What other thing can I take to help get my test levels back to normal since Nolva won’t do that. I am going to take a pre cycle blood lab and take one after the PCT because I read your post and how it would have been nice to compare the results.[/quote]
Oh wait… wtf? The same link has been posted in this thread and the answer to nolva’s effectiveness for PCT has been written and discussed in this very thread as well.