Theoretical Cycle

This is my theoretical cycle for my next bulk. I’m 6’ 2", 200lbs, 11%bf, I’m 26 will be 27 when I run this cycle.i went on a tour of Europe for about 6 months and Lost about 25lbs. The only sides Id be worried about at this point is ones that could potentially be deadly. Here it goes

Test E (1-12) 750mg [mon/wed/fri 250mg]
Deca (1-12) 450mg [mon/wed/fri 150mg]
Dbol (1-6) 25mg (7-12) 75mg [ed]
Drol (1-6) 75mg (7-12) 25mg [ed]
Caber (1-12) .5mg [mon/thurs .25mg]
Adex (1-12) .75mg [eod]
Nolva on hand

Clomid 100/100/50/50
Nolva 40/20/10/10

Most people don’t agree with running dbol and drol together, I’ve done it before and personally loved it, very little sides yet I got the best of both compounds. I’ve never run them with deca in the mix though, and because of the deca I figured I’d through in caber to ensure my libido doesn’t crash. Your thoughts?

looks like sexual chocolate to me.

Run your test a week or two longer than the deca.

So run the deca 1-10? And as for the pct, does that look sufficient?

[quote]Solomandrake wrote:
So run the deca 1-10? And as for the pct, does that look sufficient?[/quote]

yup, or extend the test out to 14 weeks. Either/or will be sufficient.

Your PCT is perfect.

Decent looking cycle you’ve got there. Should blow the fuck up on that.

Nice cycle boss. I too am fine with running 2 orals but my issue here is 2 orals at that length. Little risky if you ask me. Not just on liver but lipid profile as well. Just make sure you monitor blood work before during and after. I’d say get a full panel on week 6. Also I like to leave out the Deca 3 weeks before Test. Deca has a long half life (14-16 days) so you don’t want the slightest chance of lingering in your system and getting Deca dik. I’d also lower the adex. 0.25mg seems like it’ll suffice but if not bump it up to 0.5mg max. Good luck.
