The Rule: 6 Meals/Day

[quote]Professor X wrote:

It would seem to me that you are confused because you want to be.[/quote]

Not confused in the least. I, along with many others fully understand how you conduct yourself on these forums.

If this were a cordial thread, I’d share how I still eat multiple times a day for a good number of reasons, despite all the latest hoo-ha about my not really needing to. Instead, though, I’ll just watch as it turns into the usual mess of you arguing what you really meant as others who seem to love watching the big man squirm keep poking at you, and you keep responding endlessly.


[quote]The Mighty Stu wrote:

If this were a cordial thread, I’d share how I still eat multiple times a day for a good number of reasons, despite all the latest hoo-ha about my not really needing to. Instead, though, I’ll just watch as it turns into the usual mess of you arguing what you really meant as others who seem to love watching the big man squirm keep poking at you, and you keep responding endlessly.


I personally didn’t ask for your advice so do as you please.

[quote]Professor X wrote:

[quote]mbdix wrote:

[quote]Professor X wrote:
Due to differences in how fast food is absorbed, it my take one guy 2-3 hours for that last meal to move from his stomach to his intestines.

It may be another 4-6 hours until it moves through the intestines.

This means you generally do not base meal frequency on just how fast food moves through the body…because it would be a full day before that 1 meal is excreted…and days still before it is COMPLETELY out of the system.[/quote]

I know i could use google to answer this…

If i have a meal with spicy foods, or jalapenos, in the early part of the day. Then, that afternoon or evening take a shit. How come my ass burns from the jalapenos?

Also, In your opinion, I am lactose intolerant, if I drank a lot of milk and let it do it’s thing and then basically flush out my entire digestive tract. Would that in theory be like a cleanse?[/quote]

That is a very good question. Some of the food is digested faster than other parts of the same meal.

Capsaicin is an irritant and passes through the digestive tract faster than some fats and proteins.

I do believe being lactose intolerant can have an affect on your desired eating times as well but through the action of decreasing absorption. I do not consider this “fact” but a medical opinion that the effects of intolerance like diarrhea can affect absorption of nutrients.

Also, no, diarrhea is not a cleanse. It is more like a gutter during a rainstorm. Shit just gets trapped in strange places.[/quote]

Diarrhea/gutter = good comparison.

I actually find this discussion interesting without all of the useless arguing. I thought his message was clear that he was talking about consistency. It would be inconsistent to list all of these variables of transit time (genetica, activity, etc.) and then to turn around and say that n000bs must eat very frequent meals (although I see how the title can be misleading). I know that I’ve wanted to jump in and bash X on other threads he’s posted in, but I don’t really see a reason to here.

Back to the topic:

NO, eating 6 meals a day is not what anyone here is saying. That USED TO BE the staple in bodybuilding circles which is why it was brought up here. More goes into how you should approach this than just sticking to a certain number, but sticking to a number can help immensely in all of your training.

The goal here is to discuss what actually does play a role in how you go about how often you eat.

I will add more later but I was writing this in between other work I was doing.

Title is misleading.

[quote]krillin wrote:
I actually find this discussion interesting without all of the useless arguing. I thought his message was clear that he was talking about consistency. It would be inconsistent to list all of these variables of transit time (genetica, activity, etc.) and then to turn around and say that n000bs must eat very frequent meals (although I see how the title can be misleading). I know that I’ve wanted to jump in and bash X on other threads he’s posted in, but I don’t really see a reason to here.[/quote]

There is no reason for them either.

[quote]Professor X wrote:
Quit the bullshit.
Quit following me around just to play word games and fuck up very thread.[/quote]

[quote]Professor X wrote:
please exit the damn thread so an actual discussion can take place.
I will post when, where and how I want.
Even if it “ruins threads.”
You of all people should understand that.

Serious post is serious: I will sum up this whole thread in one post.

Everyone is different.
You need to figure out how much and how often YOU need to eat in order to grow optimally.
^^this depends on a lot of factors such as; experience level, food choices, food timing, activity level, age, digestion, metabolism, rest/recovery, drugs.

Figure out what’s best for you and you’ll grow.

I just explained this whole thread (minus the arguing) in a few sentences.
If examples and anecdotal stories are not used to expound on these topics (which I asked the OP for and was denied) there isn’t much else to say… Especially when you dismiss (oh no!!!) the wisdom and input of an accomplished bodybuilding with PRO cards in multiple federations.

[quote]Smashingweights wrote:
Serious post is serious: I will sum up this whole thread in one post.

Everyone is different.
You need to figure out how much and how often YOU need to eat in order to grow optimally.
^^this depends on a lot of factors such as; experience level, food choices, food timing, activity level, age, digestion, metabolism, rest/recovery, drugs.

Figure out what’s best for you and you’ll grow.

I just explained this whole thread (minus the arguing) in a few sentences.
If examples and anecdotal stories are not used to expound on these topics (which I asked the OP for and was denied) there isn’t much else to say… Especially when you dismiss (oh no!!!) the wisdom and input of an accomplished bodybuilding with PRO cards in multiple federations.[/quote]

Bulshit its way more complicated

[quote]ryanbCXG wrote:

[quote]Smashingweights wrote:
Serious post is serious: I will sum up this whole thread in one post.

Everyone is different.
You need to figure out how much and how often YOU need to eat in order to grow optimally.
^^this depends on a lot of factors such as; experience level, food choices, food timing, activity level, age, digestion, metabolism, rest/recovery, drugs.

Figure out what’s best for you and you’ll grow.

I just explained this whole thread (minus the arguing) in a few sentences.
If examples and anecdotal stories are not used to expound on these topics (which I asked the OP for and was denied) there isn’t much else to say… Especially when you dismiss (oh no!!!) the wisdom and input of an accomplished bodybuilding with PRO cards in multiple federations.[/quote]

Bulshit its way more complicated [/quote]
It is a bit more complicated than that and this could be a somewhat informative thread if these vague topics were expounded upon.

Experience level: as I have figured more things out and passed my beginner stages I realized that____________.

Food Choices: I recently switched my diet up and noticed huge changes when I changed my peri workout nutrition source to__________________.

Food Timing: placing the majority of my carb around my workout windows (1-2 hours before/after the gym) read did/did not make a difference for me because___________.

Yadda yadda yadda

[quote]ryan.b_96 wrote:
whats the point in of this thread… discussion?

because it has already been PROVEN scientifically that meal frequency has no effect at all on body composition. it also does NOT speed up your metabolism like people use to say it did.[/quote]

For captain negative film exposure to do the forum equivalent of masturbation. Or would that be professor negative film exposure…

3 pages of jibber jabber with hardly any substance. The old “6 meals/day” or “eat every 2-3 hours” rules are utter bullshit and never had any scientific backing to begin with. I and many others followed it blindly like sheep running off a cliff, because everyone (including every author on this site) was swearing by it. Shame on me, shame on them. But outside of serious athletes who break 8hrs of training per week, everyone else can easily manage to get all of their calories in with 3-4 meals + pwo.

And what a newbie should do is spend 6 months to a year learning to track calories and protein + cooking and weighing their own food. Invaluable knowledge that still helps me every day. [/IMO]

I, too, do not understand the point of this thread. It seemed less of an attempt at discussion, and more of an attempt at saying, yet again, “I am really knowledgeable and experienced and no0bs should listen to me.” I, for one, would love to hear from Stu, Brick, Smashing, and others about this topic, as they obviously know what they’re talking about. You can tell by their physiques that they have a strong grasp on proper eating habits. I think that there needs to be less coming from the OP so that more knowledgeable/impressive guys can speak.

I’ve got a weird question, don’t kill me for asking. Lets use a 3000kcal diet for example.

For those that say in terms of body composition 500kcal 6x a day will yield the same results as 750kcal 4x a day or 1500kcal 2x a day or 3000kcal in a sitting. (I do know meal sizes don’t have to be equal)

Putting aside all other factors such as hunger, stress etc.

Do you think 6000kcal in a sitting every 2 days will bring out the same results? Or some extreme intermittent fasting like 21000kcal at the end of the week lol

I know it sounds silly but just curious to know especially from a scientific standpoint.

[quote]DanielDJ wrote:
I’ve got a weird question, don’t kill me for asking. Lets use a 3000kcal diet for example.

For those that say in terms of body composition 500kcal 6x a day will yield the same results as 750kcal 4x a day or 1500kcal 2x a day or 3000kcal in a sitting. (I do know meal sizes don’t have to be equal)

Putting aside all other factors such as hunger, stress etc.

Do you think 6000kcal in a sitting every 2 days will bring out the same results? Or some extreme intermittent fasting like 21000kcal at the end of the week lol

I know it sounds silly but just curious to know especially from a scientific standpoint.[/quote]

Three 1000kcal meals will yield the same result as six 500kcal ones, yes. Otherwise, I don’t see a point in doing the really dumb ones that you mentioned. There’s only so much you can eat in one meal without its size actually being detrimental to your immediate health and well being. Nobody proposed that here anyway.

[quote]DanielDJ wrote:
I’ve got a weird question, don’t kill me for asking. Lets use a 3000kcal diet for example.

For those that say in terms of body composition 500kcal 6x a day will yield the same results as 750kcal 4x a day or 1500kcal 2x a day or 3000kcal in a sitting. (I do know meal sizes don’t have to be equal)

Putting aside all other factors such as hunger, stress etc.

Do you think 6000kcal in a sitting every 2 days will bring out the same results? Or some extreme intermittent fasting like 21000kcal at the end of the week lol

I know it sounds silly but just curious to know especially from a scientific standpoint.[/quote]
Good question.

Personally, I don’t think it would because I would assume that the long fasted periods would leave you with less energy and you would not be able to sustain your current activity levels/workouts.

Just my thought, but good question.

The problem with eating too big a meal, is that you are essentially wasting nutrients. Remember that your body takes a certain amount of time to process your food. Once that time period ends and it travels through your body, its gone. What nutrients couldn’t be pulled/used go out in waste. Your body isn’t intelligent enough to know that you are feeding it once for a day’s worth of intake. It processes (or tries to) the same amount each time within its capacity.

Like a car wash. You can put ‘x’ cars through a carwash each day. You can’t force more cars through, because the system has its limits. If it takes 3 minutes to pre-rinse, 5 minutes to wash, and 2 minutes to final spray, you can’t shorten time or increase throughput unless you re-program the system.

That’s where people start to theorize that you can only benefit from so much per sitting. I wouldn’t worry too much in that science, but realize that there are limits. If you eat normally, I’m sure you’ll be ok.

[quote]Majin wrote:
3 pages of jibber jabber with hardly any substance. The old “6 meals/day” or “eat every 2-3 hours” rules are utter bullshit and never had any scientific backing to begin with. I and many others followed it blindly like sheep running off a cliff, because everyone (including every author on this site) was swearing by it. Shame on me, shame on them. But outside of serious athletes who break 8hrs of training per week, everyone else can easily manage to get all of their calories in with 3-4 meals + pwo.

And what a newbie should do is spend 6 months to a year learning to track calories and protein + cooking and weighing their own food. Invaluable knowledge that still helps me every day. [/IMO][/quote]


IMO learning from the start to track what your eating and counting at the very least calories and protein is very important.

[quote]Majin wrote:
3 pages of jibber jabber with hardly any substance. The old “6 meals/day” or “eat every 2-3 hours” rules are utter bullshit and never had any scientific backing to begin with. I and many others followed it blindly like sheep running off a cliff, because everyone (including every author on this site) was swearing by it. Shame on me, shame on them. But outside of serious athletes who break 8hrs of training per week, everyone else can easily manage to get all of their calories in with 3-4 meals + pwo.

And what a newbie should do is spend 6 months to a year learning to track calories and protein + cooking and weighing their own food. Invaluable knowledge that still helps me every day. [/IMO][/quote]

This. Also, I’d even go as far to say that a pwo shake is unnecessary. I dropped it a couple of months ago and have been progressing just fine. I have a daily caloric goal, and I try and hit it with 3-4 meals or 3 meals and a calorically dense “shake” before bed. I also think that for a natty, anything too much over 1g of protein per lb of bw is overkill.