450/250 per week for tendon/shoulder rehab assistance.
What are your thoughts?
450/250 per week for tendon/shoulder rehab assistance.
What are your thoughts?
i would still keep the test higher than the deca personally.
However i would be inclined to use a larger amount.
Test 750
Deca 500
That would be quite badass all round, depends how you much you can tolerate before the sides outweigh the benefits
[quote]testanabol wrote:
i would still keep the test higher than the deca personally.
However i would be inclined to use a larger amount.
Test 750
Deca 500
That would be quite badass all round, depends how you much you can tolerate before the sides outweigh the benefits
Yeah I can’t tolerate test that great. I would top off around 5-600/week at most with it. I am keeping it down unless there is more argument for it than not. I read that it inhibits all types of collagen synth, once you get over 150-250/week range. And I’m after INCREASED collagen synth ala deca, and would use the just minimal test for it’s benefits, slight though they would be. Mainly sexual function.
I realize this looks radically against the grain, but I’m after rehab benefits first and foremost, and muscle gains second with it.
If price is no issue why not throw some Var in there? It’s good for joints as well, and is one of the most commonly used steroids for other “rehab” type scenarios.
[quote]Schmazz wrote:
If price is no issue why not throw some Var in there? It’s good for joints as well, and is one of the most commonly used steroids for other “rehab” type scenarios.[/quote]
Hey Schmazz,
Yeah I did give it some thought, and yes it IS an issue with finances, otherwise I’d be jumping on some GH as more of a “real” rehab cycle as well as the anavar.
it’s at 200mg and under, that test doesn’t inhibit collagen synthesis.
You could also add some eq at 300mg it’s collagen synthesis is about 350%
[quote]Agon wrote:
it’s at 200mg and under, that test doesn’t inhibit collagen synthesis.
You could also add some eq at 300mg it’s collagen synthesis is about 350%[/quote]
Yeah Agon,
I figured since there’s the weight of the ester involved, that 250 would still be close to around 200 actual mg of test once in the system. I had been thinking of the eq, thanks for bringing it up.
In light of that, I would be fine with 200 test/week, and quite possibly the deca and eq. Could be interesting.
I would be able to get the following;
Nandrolone Decanoate-300/10ml, Boldenone Undeclynate-200/10ml, Test Enan-250/10ml.
I could run the deca and eq at 300 and 200 each for 10 weeks, and run the test at 200/week for 12.5 weeks with these amounts. What do you guys think about this?
Or would it be better to increase the doseage of the eq, and lower the length on that one?
thanks for the comments all,
It seems to me that running the EQ longer would be the better option-- at least that’s been my experience thus far. It doesn’t seem to be so much dose dependent as test and tren do, but rather how long you run it.
Food for thought.
[quote]World1187 wrote:
It seems to me that running the EQ longer would be the better option-- at least that’s been my experience thus far. It doesn’t seem to be so much dose dependent as test and tren do, but rather how long you run it.
Food for thought.
I know you’re right. That’s just me skimping and hopping around dealing with the affordability thing.
I am so fucking bored with the injury thing, and it’s getting me a little stir crazy these days w/regards to training. I’m not motivated to get after it yet with the rest of the body parts, the whole not knowing wtf is on with the shoulder is killing me this time for some reason.
I’m really frustrated. Wahhh, fuckin waaaahhhhhh!
On a side note, the M1 is going good, waiting for that to kick in, and it’s time for another 2 weeker to help snap me out of this funk, and start hitting legs hard, and toss in a little arms and back where possible.
Thanks for bringing up the eq length.
So how bout a list of potential “players” in the rehab pool.
5 and 6 are out for now due to $.
I like deca, eq, var, primo as a base. Toss in the test as indicated. That should kick butt.
Are those esters “mixable”?
I mean I know they are, can’t recall the difference btw the deca and the eq, not much I don’t think.
Primo and Var at 50/day each.
Test,Deca,Eq @ 200/300/200
Total 1400/week inj/orals combined.
Hey Zone, I’ve read your past logs and I understand why you’re apprehensive about raising the test level, but if it were me, I’d pick NPP over Deca. That way, if it starts disagreeing with you, it can be out of the system quicker. With 450 mg/wk of deca, you wouldn’t get near peak concentration levels for about 8 weeks; imagine how long it’d take to get it out of you.
Another thing is I don’t know exactly what your shoulder condition is or what you’ve done to fix it, but I’ve had bad shoulder problems for about 3-4 years stemming from both overuse and acute injuries.
I kept reading and reading, and trying to fix it on my own. The issues would subside a little here and there, but never really got better until I had Eric Cressey check it out for me. I was actually benching again that night. It was like the skies opened up and the sun was finally shining, lol.
Anyway, there are other guys out there that do similar work; I’d look into it if you haven’t already. My personal experience is that this did a whole lot more for me than any drug ever could.
Good luck man
[quote]Whoa! wrote:
Hey Zone, I’ve read your past logs and I understand why you’re apprehensive about raising the test level, but if it were me, I’d pick NPP over Deca. That way, if it starts disagreeing with you, it can be out of the system quicker. With 450 mg/wk of deca, you wouldn’t get near peak concentration levels for about 8 weeks; imagine how long it’d take to get it out of you.
Another thing is I don’t know exactly what your shoulder condition is or what you’ve done to fix it, but I’ve had bad shoulder problems for about 3-4 years stemming from both overuse and acute injuries.
I kept reading and reading, and trying to fix it on my own. The issues would subside a little here and there, but never really got better until I had Eric Cressey check it out for me. I was actually benching again that night. It was like the skies opened up and the sun was finally shining, lol.
Anyway, there are other guys out there that do similar work; I’d look into it if you haven’t already. My personal experience is that this did a whole lot more for me than any drug ever could.
Good luck man[/quote]
Hey Whoa,
I’m not sure you actually do realize why I’m keeping the test low. I’m not doing that because of that gyno scare I had way back when at all. Since then I ran test up to close to 600/week with no to very minimal problems with adex. It’s because of the collagen synthesis inhibition that comes from test, and I’m trying to keep that from happening in this cycle.
It’s all about skeletal muscle gains with increased collagen synthesis. SO the test stays 100-200 and you use things like deca,npp,eq etc. to get some skeletal muscle gains while this is all going on.
I really just am planning a cycle which could give me decent gains on other bodyparts while possibly helping the delt as it gets figured out and treated.
Yeah I wish I could afford to have someone like Eric Cressey work on me, but I can’t, lol.
I don’t see any particular problem with using the deca at 300, as indicated really. I’ve got adex, caber, nolva.
Anywho, on a side note, it’s nice to hear from you man.
I totally think using 200mg of Test with either Deca, EQ, or both is a winner for what you wish for.
But Whoa makes a great case: a good therapist and a good trainer might make a deeper, longer lasting difference than drugs ever could.
And you do both options:)
[quote]SwD wrote:
I totally think using 200mg of Test with either Deca, EQ, or both is a winner for what you wish for.
But Whoa makes a great case: a good therapist and a good trainer might make a deeper, longer lasting difference than drugs ever could.
And you do both options:)
Thanks Sdub,
I AM actively pursuing fixing the damn thing, you guys are aware of that right? Lol, I never said I was thinking the drugs would take care of everything at all.
I’m just looking to get “on” while I go on blasting legs, and whatever else,(back/arms), and help the healing process during whatever happens with the delt in the immediate future.
I will be doing the pendulum swings and minimal cuff work until the MRI gets done this week, and then a game plan will be figured out, whether it’s surgery or if I have to go out on my own and try ART or whatever.
Bottom line is I don’t know what the therapy will be yet until the pictures are looked at. But at that point, I will do the following cycle after it’s treated.
Thanks though, I was on the fence about using both deca and eq with the test, might be better to just pick deca, and leave it at that. Use a slightly higher dose then if that’s the way it goes. 200T/400D, and toss in the orals for 6 weeks at onset, and maybe at the end into pct.
Thanks to both of you though, for your thoughts.
Good luck with it all! I know that by following “posture” training articles here on T-Nation, using a foam roller, ART treatments, heavy pushups replacing half the bench work and all that, I’m basically injury free and have been for a while, and I sometimes train in MMA - and while GREAT for cardio it certainly isnt healthy for joints!
I’ve used Test at 250Mg weekly with EQ at 400-500mg, main reason being I didn’t want to lose more hair than necassary (using Nioxin shmapoo I have NOT lost hair in a long while but I dont want to push my luck with tons of Test!).
Well since then I found out, and I think you were the one posting the article, how great EQ is for collagen, and again, I’m injury free now so that’s why I suggest both approach, as you are now doing. BTW a base of 250mg of Test with a little AI = raging libido and a great all around feeling.
Does Equipoise really help one’s joints? The only place I’ve read is some article that’s been floating around the net which has a lot of misinformation. I haven’t read any personal reports that it helps but have read tons of anecdotes on Deca and joints.
Tone, ignore that bit of the PM where i started reccomended going to see a physio, i hadnt read the thread first mate, sorry lol
Tone Glad to hear you pursuing ART et al. What sort of natural supplements are you also using/considering for your healing?
Hey TB,
I haven’t used deca personally, but a judo buddy of mine used it quite successfully to rehab a pretty bad back injury. Several of his vertebrae were in bad shape after years and years of national-level judo guys throwing him on his head/neck/back. He did, I think, 14-15 weeks of deca and the improvement in his back was almost magical. I was amazed at the improvement, and in fact, it was this first-hand observation that finally convinced me to take the AAS plunge (after years of research and procrastination).
I guess what I’m saying is, yes, try the deca.
[quote]sapasion wrote:
Tone Glad to hear you pursuing ART et al. What sort of natural supplements are you also using/considering for your healing?[/quote]
I’ve been running a high dose of fish oil, glucosamine, msm, and chondroitin for the last month or so. It’s hard to tell if it’s helping or not, the injury is not improving though. I’d love to try the ART, and see what that can do.
I’m going to ring up my doctor who still hasn’t called to tell me if the xrays showed any abnormal bone growth or whatever might show up on those, and the MRI people are lagging and haven’t called for my appt date yet either.