Steroids After Surgery

One of my friends had to undergo major shoulder surgery-he basically tore his rotator cuff and the top of his biceps had to be re-attached as well. I remember reading that a study in Australia found that supplementing with Test speeds up recovery remarkably. Any thoughts or experiences? Does it matter which testosterone he uses?

Hey Bushy,

What about a combo of GH/Test/Deca. Would that not be the best over all? Might provide for an interesting experiment to say the least.

Test will certainly help him get his lost muscle mass back but like bushy said won’t necessarily help repair the connective tissues.

For that Deca, EQ, or Primo would be a better choice (in order of optimal choice).

taking deca alone is good in the short term but very poor in the long term once shutdown occurs so he may want to run a low dose of test with it…someone on here recently (I think it was InTheZone) was saying that 100 or 200mg/w test was the limit in terms of inhibiting collegen synthesis…can’t remember…

he is doing a similar cycle to try to rehab a shoulder.

I also second bushman’s comments about HGH being optimal if you can afford/find it. IGF-1 should also help.


So perhaps a good rehab cycle woulf involve,

Test E @ 200mg per week
Primo @ 600mg per week
HGH shot at 4iu per day

I havent mentioned Deca as the dosage would probably need to be higher than the test which being a 19nor could complicate things.

Maybe im off with the primo, but it’s rep for promoting collagen syn has been touted recently, in tones thread if im not mistaken.

Hypothetically if I was injured and had access to whatever I wanted to help recover I would run something like this

W 1-26 HGH 4-6iu ED split am/pwo (5 on 2 off)
W 1-3 IGF-1 40mcg PWO only
W 1-8 Deca 400mg/w
W 1-8 Test Cyp 150mg/w
W 4-10 Proviron 50mg ED
W 9-20 Test Cyp 400mg/w
W 9-20 Primo 600mg/w
W 21-26 stasis
W 27-32 taper

This would give a solid 8 weeks of joint recovery time followed by about another 12 weeks of muscle recovery time.

Of course I would only go for the second phase if the injury was feeling 100% by the end of the first phase.

I have also heard GHRP-6 is good for injury recovery but know nothing about it other than that.

Good luck.


I know nothing about steroids except that they aren’t evil like mainstream media presents them to be. Honestly, I’d try to find a pro-steroid Doctor and get their expert advice for your friend. That is some major fucking surgery he went through and he’ll probably only have one chance at a good rehab.

Oh final thought good rehab specialist and massage therapist wouldn’t hurt either. Let us know how your friend’s recovery comes along.

Test will still help if that’s all you have. They give it to patients who’ve just undergone open heart surgery etc… It may not help with the collagen synthesis but it’ll still perk you up.

[quote]beebuddy wrote:
Test will still help if that’s all you have. They give it to patients who’ve just undergone open heart surgery etc… It may not help with the collagen synthesis but it’ll still perk you up.[/quote]

Strange, I’ve been running my own thread on this very subject and no one has mentioned it here save good ol Testanobol. Funny that is.

The test can actually negatively impact collagen synthesis by inhibiting it at over 200mg/week buddy. That’s definitely counterproductive for your friend.

My current plan for my delt after my surgery, is Test at 200/week,
Eq at 300-400mg/week, and HGH at 4 iu’s/day.

I’ve been researching this and talking to difft people. Some of whom I thought would have helped me, having in fact pretty much ignored my thread.

Anyway, main thing which surprisingly no one has told you is about the test at levels over 200/week inhibiting not helping collagen synthesis.

eq is def a collagen synth booster, and as Mr. Bushido said, the hgh is king.



[quote]FuriousGeorge wrote:
Test will certainly help him get his lost muscle mass back but like bushy said won’t necessarily help repair the connective tissues.

For that Deca, EQ, or Primo would be a better choice (in order of optimal choice).

taking deca alone is good in the short term but very poor in the long term once shutdown occurs so he may want to run a low dose of test with it…someone on here recently (I think it was InTheZone) was saying that 100 or 200mg/w test was the limit in terms of inhibiting collegen synthesis…can’t remember…

he is doing a similar cycle to try to rehab a shoulder.

I also second bushman’s comments about HGH being optimal if you can afford/find it. IGF-1 should also help.

FG [/quote]

Please dont recommend using test to stop the shutdown caused by deca… it isnt accurate, the test is there to replace the natural level, not affect the shutdown, once the cycle ends the shutdown will be just as apparent and just as severe… more so due to the estrogen possibly (assuming no PCT is used as per your post).

You do suggest “…Taking deca alone is good in the short term but very poor in the long term once shutdown occurs so he may want to run a low dose of test with it…”
Which is saying that taking test will reduce/remove the shutdown problem. Which i am sure you know is NOT the case, and is nothing more than misleading, and innaccurate.

Sorry, needed to be pointed out…


[quote]InTheZone wrote:
beebuddy wrote:
Test will still help if that’s all you have. They give it to patients who’ve just undergone open heart surgery etc… It may not help with the collagen synthesis but it’ll still perk you up.

Strange, I’ve been running my own thread on this very subject and no one has mentioned it here save good ol Testanobol. Funny that is.

The test can actually negatively impact collagen synthesis by inhibiting it at over 200mg/week buddy. That’s definitely counterproductive for your friend.

My current plan for my delt after my surgery, is Test at 200/week,
Eq at 300-400mg/week, and HGH at 4 iu’s/day.

I’ve been researching this and talking to difft people. Some of whom I thought would have helped me, having in fact pretty much ignored my thread.

Anyway, main thing which surprisingly no one has told you is about the test at levels over 200/week inhibiting not helping collagen synthesis.

eq is def a collagen synth booster, and as Mr. Bushido said, the hgh is king.



It’s definitely not cause we don’t love you.

What’s wrong, are you in need of surgery or something?

Edit: Just re-read it… What type of surgery are you getting?

[quote] JJ wrote:
FuriousGeorge wrote:
Test will certainly help him get his lost muscle mass back but like bushy said won’t necessarily help repair the connective tissues.

For that Deca, EQ, or Primo would be a better choice (in order of optimal choice).

taking deca alone is good in the short term but very poor in the long term once shutdown occurs so he may want to run a low dose of test with it…someone on here recently (I think it was InTheZone) was saying that 100 or 200mg/w test was the limit in terms of inhibiting collegen synthesis…can’t remember…

he is doing a similar cycle to try to rehab a shoulder.

I also second bushman’s comments about HGH being optimal if you can afford/find it. IGF-1 should also help.


Please dont recommend using test to stop the shutdown caused by deca… it isnt accurate, the test is there to replace the natural level, not affect the shutdown, once the cycle ends the shutdown will be just as apparent and just as severe… more so due to the estrogen possibly (assuming no PCT is used as per your post).

You do suggest “…Taking deca alone is good in the short term but very poor in the long term once shutdown occurs so he may want to run a low dose of test with it…”
Which is saying that taking test will reduce/remove the shutdown problem. Which i am sure you know is NOT the case, and is nothing more than misleading, and innaccurate.

Sorry, needed to be pointed out…


I think your missing his point there JJ, what is being said is that deca will shut you down fast and hard leading to a number of issues that present themselves when the body is absent of testosterone - so reccomended is a low dosage of test, large enough to fend away the majority of 19nor sides but small enough to prevent inhibition of collage syn.
Perhaps it could have been worded better but his point is correct.

that is true… but from what i got was that he was saying AFTER the cycle… but maybe not.

I agree with your point and if that was the original one, i agree with that too!

[quote]beebuddy wrote:
InTheZone wrote:
beebuddy wrote:
Test will still help if that’s all you have. They give it to patients who’ve just undergone open heart surgery etc… It may not help with the collagen synthesis but it’ll still perk you up.

Strange, I’ve been running my own thread on this very subject and no one has mentioned it here save good ol Testanobol. Funny that is.

The test can actually negatively impact collagen synthesis by inhibiting it at over 200mg/week buddy. That’s definitely counterproductive for your friend.

My current plan for my delt after my surgery, is Test at 200/week,
Eq at 300-400mg/week, and HGH at 4 iu’s/day.

I’ve been researching this and talking to difft people. Some of whom I thought would have helped me, having in fact pretty much ignored my thread.

Anyway, main thing which surprisingly no one has told you is about the test at levels over 200/week inhibiting not helping collagen synthesis.

eq is def a collagen synth booster, and as Mr. Bushido said, the hgh is king.



It’s definitely not cause we don’t love you.

What’s wrong, are you in need of surgery or something?

Edit: Just re-read it… What type of surgery are you getting? [/quote]


Thanks bb, it’s rotator cuff surgery for a tear in it.

You can see about the specifics of it if you travel to the distant lands of the infamous T cell alpha razmatazz.
Look for my super fascinating thread titled “Staying Up when your Body is DOWN”. lol.

The specific medical jargon is posted there on the next to last page about midway down. Well, hell the least I can do is provide a damn link, hold on friend…

Scroll down to post # 11 and there’s the deal.

Fairly depressing of late, as it seems to be slightly worsening as far as pain, but ROM is fairly intact still except for above parallel arms outstretched to side and above. And a few other specific locations.

I had thought I would be blasting away with my squats which had recently improved by leaps and bounds before all this, but alas, the Top Squat device presses down uncomfortably causing fuzzy pain right in the rhomboid/cuff area, so even that’s out now, and as a result, my diet and training have both gone to hell in a handbasket.

No fun to watch the last two years of progress running down the drain as atrophy rears it’s nasty, ugly head over here.

But life goes on, and while the short term sucks donkey balls, the long term should see me smiling and acting more like the card I usually am when things get back to normal.

Just hangin in there and all. Gathering up the fibroblast assistance packages slowly but surely, lol.


Sorry to hear it man. IME you’ll come back just as strong and then get stronger. Not much consolation I know, but having atrophied after surgery myself I was surprised at just how well the muscle came back.

Good luck.

[quote]beebuddy wrote:
Sorry to hear it man. IME you’ll come back just as strong and then get stronger. Not much consolation I know, but having atrophied after surgery myself I was surprised at just how well the muscle came back.

Good luck.[/quote]

Thanks BB, that accounts for a lot coming from you, and it makes me sit a little bit better with it as a result.


Thank you all for your input. So, Deca and Equipoise would be a good combination for rehab? He’s really not concerned with getting his size and strength back at the mo, he’s still undergoing intense physio, too.

[quote]robbiminator wrote:
Thank you all for your input. So, Deca and Equipoise would be a good combination for rehab? He’s really not concerned with getting his size and strength back at the mo, he’s still undergoing intense physio, too.

Actually if he’s after what you just said, then eq, low test, and HGH like I said, and plan on using myself, would literally kick fucking ass for helping him ramp up his own bodys regenerative abilities like no other combo for simplicity and effectiveness.

Other than that, obviously FG’s idea is fantastic, if not a bit out of reach for most.


sorry jj, I think you misunderstood my post. I wasn’t trying to say a low dose of test would stop the shutdown…just that a low dose of test would be a good thing to have once shutdown occurs…shutdown from deca is a certainty unless you are running HCG…

[quote] JJ wrote:
FuriousGeorge wrote:
Test will certainly help him get his lost muscle mass back but like bushy said won’t necessarily help repair the connective tissues.

For that Deca, EQ, or Primo would be a better choice (in order of optimal choice).

taking deca alone is good in the short term but very poor in the long term once shutdown occurs so he may want to run a low dose of test with it…someone on here recently (I think it was InTheZone) was saying that 100 or 200mg/w test was the limit in terms of inhibiting collegen synthesis…can’t remember…

he is doing a similar cycle to try to rehab a shoulder.

I also second bushman’s comments about HGH being optimal if you can afford/find it. IGF-1 should also help.


Please dont recommend using test to stop the shutdown caused by deca… it isnt accurate, the test is there to replace the natural level, not affect the shutdown, once the cycle ends the shutdown will be just as apparent and just as severe… more so due to the estrogen possibly (assuming no PCT is used as per your post).

You do suggest “…Taking deca alone is good in the short term but very poor in the long term once shutdown occurs so he may want to run a low dose of test with it…”
Which is saying that taking test will reduce/remove the shutdown problem. Which i am sure you know is NOT the case, and is nothing more than misleading, and innaccurate.

Sorry, needed to be pointed out…
