The Rehab Cycle

[quote]Jelly Roll wrote:
Hey TB,
I haven’t used deca personally, but a judo buddy of mine used it quite successfully to rehab a pretty bad back injury. Several of his vertebrae were in bad shape after years and years of national-level judo guys throwing him on his head/neck/back. He did, I think, 14-15 weeks of deca and the improvement in his back was almost magical. I was amazed at the improvement, and in fact, it was this first-hand observation that finally convinced me to take the AAS plunge (after years of research and procrastination).

I guess what I’m saying is, yes, try the deca.

Jelly [/quote]

Wow, that’s good to hear, thanks Jelly!

Do you remember how much he was on weekly?

This is what I want to hear.

Thanks buddy,


TB, he was running 500mg a week, and by the 10-11th week he was feeling good enough to return to the mat for newaza (ground-grappling). He nearly pulled my left arm off in a submission when we rolled, lol… his strength was crazy too.


[quote]Jelly Roll wrote:
TB, he was running 500mg a week, and by the 10-11th week he was feeling good enough to return to the mat for newaza (ground-grappling). He nearly pulled my left arm off in a submission when we rolled, lol… his strength was crazy too.

Jelly [/quote]

Thanks Jelly!

[quote]bushidobadboy wrote:
Given the limitations (cash mostly) and the goals, I would be inclined to just run EQ by itself, maybe with a little test.

I would definitely leave deca alone. Short bursts of NPP might be OK, from a suppresion POV, but since your issue is less to do with the joint and more to do with connective tissues, I see no need for deca, since the EQ has a better profile for stimulation of collagen secreting fibroblasts.

But then I’ve always had a thing against deca, lol…


Thanks Bushy,

I was hoping for a tidbit like that!!
Sounds good, and I feel better about running the eq to be honest over the deca. Whoa, had me to thinking on it since deca can cause issues we both know I would like to avoid, lol. Eq seems much more tolerable.

Bushy thank you again.


Ok guys,

Just found out I have a significant tear in the rotator cuff musculature, and will be needing some surgery.
While that sucks, at least I know wtf is going on now.

So, this thread has become very relevant now to me.
I am going to try and secure some eq, and a friend of mine has expressed his willingness to “sponsor” me with some HGH also.

I also have a very informed father of said friend who is in the know of the best surgeons in my area in general, and surgeons working for Kaiser as well, where I would have to have it done. So that’s good news.

Damn middle age.

So, I think a kit of 100 iu’s would be there for me, and I am trying to procure some thing in AAS that will be helpful.

I can’t afford much as we all know, I might have to just throw down a run of eq, solo. It’s up in the air as far as what I’m going to be able to do. There are some things I can sell, and I will if it helps me come out on top with this surgery.

If you guys have any more ideas about dosing and/or strategies, please drop them on me.

Thanks guys.

That sucks Tone
Going under the knife is never good short term but if you benefit long term thats the hope.

Just take it all in stride Tone. As saps said, yeah surgery sucks, but in the end it should be worth it.

Something you might want to consider along with the GH might be some IGF1. Just a thought, but I have heard it works wonders.

As far as the AAS are concerned, I would run something like 300mg test and 450-500mg EQ for 12-14 weeks.

And then for a recovery, I like what I hear about the stasis+SERM. You might want to try that, especially since you already have nolva. And lastly, I can’t imagine you’ll need any ancillaries on this cycle, seeing how mild it is.


[quote]World1187 wrote:
Just take it all in stride Tone. As saps said, yeah surgery sucks, but in the end it should be worth it.

Something you might want to consider along with the GH might be some IGF1. Just a thought, but I have heard it works wonders.

As far as the AAS are concerned, I would run something like 300mg test and 450-500mg EQ for 12-14 weeks.

And then for a recovery, I like what I hear about the stasis+SERM. You might want to try that, especially since you already have nolva. And lastly, I can’t imagine you’ll need any ancillaries on this cycle, seeing how mild it is.


That’s about what I’m shooting for, save keeping the test at 200. Supposedly that’s the ceiling for keeping the collagen synth from being inhibited by testosterone. So, yeah, thanks for the support Saps, and World. I just hope I can get the hook up on the right ortho surgeon. Kaiser does have it’s share of mediocre practioners sometimes, which can turn something like this into a real nightmare. With my friends fathers hook up, this should be avoided though.

I’ll be lucky to just have the GH in place thanks to my buddy. He’s now putting 200 to 300 IU’s of GH on the table it looks like for me. That would get me just shy of 2-3 months of 4 iu’s/day worth. And the eq would be like the icing on the cake, w/low test, the deluxe version, lol. And the stasis/serm sounds great too, if it all works out.

Thanks you two, for the support, again.


Do you have an approximate date of your surgery? Also all the gear you’re talking about is for after surgery?

I’m with saps on this one Tone, hopefully you’re planning it post-surgery. Ya know, really kickstart the healing and rehab process. I say this because due to the fact they are going to operate, I cannot imagine anything you do now would have all the great of an effect post-surgery… get what I’m saying?


[quote]saps wrote:
Do you have an approximate date of your surgery? Also all the gear you’re talking about is for after surgery?[/quote]

Yeah, most definitely.

No date yet. I’ve got the consultation coming up, and my friends dad is talking around with the head of Kaiser such and such for the best surgeon there for the job. Thank God for that, cause otherwise it’s like taking your car into a mechanic that you don’t know, and we all know what happens in those scenarios sometimes, lol.

[quote]World1187 wrote:
I’m with saps on this one Tone, hopefully you’re planning it post-surgery. Ya know, really kickstart the healing and rehab process. I say this because due to the fact they are going to operate, I cannot imagine anything you do now would have all the great of an effect post-surgery… get what I’m saying?


No of course buddy. No point in running it till then. That’s what I’m hoping, to get as much assistance as I can with the GH/AAS. That should help a lot.


Test will help if the problem is in weak muscles supporting the offending tendons/ligaments. But if it is the actual tendons/ligaments that are causing the problems (which is what I suspect) then test will slow down the healing process considerably.
What’s worse is that it may not feel this way due to increased muscle strength, water retention in the joints and overall sense of strenth that can cause you to lift/work in ways that you are not ready for, and reinjure yourself.
While deca has this same problem where the injury feels better than it actually is, it does have collagen healing properties that could be very beneficial (EQ has an even greater degree of collagen healing). As long as I am aware that the decreased pain/increased strength is coming from the hormones, and don’t overdo it, I should be fine.

As has been posted, I believe what I am really looking for is HGH. This has the most dramatic healing properties, and can be quite rejuvinating systematically for older lifters like myself.
A cycle Deca, EQ, and HGH, with a maintanence dose of test -IMO, should do wonders for my situation.

So much so that I’d probably have to continually remind myself that I’ve had these injuries so that I don’t overdo it and reinjure myself during the recovery process.

I’ll probably just end up using the eq/test/hgh.

Sounds about right.

On a side note, I am already getting hooked up with Kaiser’s number one man on shoulder surgery.
The guy ONLY does shoulders, and is supposed to be Kaiser’s best guy in all of California.



Good find! A good surgeon will obviously be the best piece in the overall puzzle. What about starting the cycle 2-3 weeks BEFORE the surgery so you’re already primed for recovery?

[quote]SwD wrote:
Good find! A good surgeon will obviously be the best piece in the overall puzzle. What about starting the cycle 2-3 weeks BEFORE the surgery so you’re already primed for recovery? [/quote]

Well, I thought about that, but I don’t have the eq or anything for that matter, as yet.
I should have everything, or at least the test/eq right around the time of the surgery, I’m guessing.

I just finished telling the facility to redirect my surgery to a different city close by, where the preferred surgeon operates out of. I had been referred to my home city, and I had to tell them to refer me to the other place, and am now awaiting confirmation of that.

If for any reason that becomes a problem, I also have another excellent choice for the surgeon in my local city. He’s just not specialized in shoulders like the aforementioned guy is. But still an excellent surgeon none-the-less.

It’s been said by Saps and World to wait until after the surgery, and I tend to agree with that. Wouldn’t want any contraindictions with the general anesthesia or anything like that to go wrong during said operation. Not that there would be, I have no idea, but just to keep everything uncomplicated I think this is the way to go.

Thanks for droppin in SwD,


“Wouldn’t want any contraindictions with the general anesthesia or anything like that to go wrong during said operation. Not that there would be, I have no idea, but just to keep everything uncomplicated I think this is the way to go.”

Probably a good idea. Though a little more Test than usual in the body can’t be bad…

Good luck!

[quote]SwD wrote:
“Wouldn’t want any contraindictions with the general anesthesia or anything like that to go wrong during said operation. Not that there would be, I have no idea, but just to keep everything uncomplicated I think this is the way to go.”

Probably a good idea. Though a little more Test than usual in the body can’t be bad…

Good luck!

Well yeah, I wouldn’t trip if it was just a little test, but I was thinking a little more test, equipoise, and a lot more GH WOULD possibly make someone take note, or cause something maybe, lol.

Dang, I missed the updates on the surgeon searching, and good news on that end. That’s great news.

Waaaay back in high school I hyperextended my knee. It gave me fits for years, until I finally found a surgeon who realized what I knew for years, that my ACL was torn. In '97 she fixed me up, and here we are more than 10 years later, and it’s still great.

You’re doing the right thing, and it’s sounds like it should’ve happened quite some time ago. Good news!

[quote]5.0 wrote:
Dang, I missed the updates on the surgeon searching, and good news on that end. That’s great news.

Waaaay back in high school I hyperextended my knee. It gave me fits for years, until I finally found a surgeon who realized what I knew for years, that my ACL was torn. In '97 she fixed me up, and here we are more than 10 years later, and it’s still great.

You’re doing the right thing, and it’s sounds like it should’ve happened quite some time ago. Good news! [/quote]

Thanks 5.0, you’re right about it should have happened a while back. To be honest, it was hard to tell if it was just a stubborn minor thing, or not. It was different though from the past shoulder problems I’ve had. In that, there is/was two different pains in the shoulder. There’s one more acute pain that is right in the front where the clavicle tie in is, and then there is a different deeper, more throbbing type pain that is towards the rear delt, which was/is shooting down the upper half of my tricep.

Now that I’ve completely stopped all upper body stuff for about 3 weeks, the rear pain has gotten better, but the acute pain in the front is definitely still going strong.


Anyway, yep it’s a good feeling to know you have a great doctor working on you. I equate it to someone like myself being an old woman taking in her mercedes to some random mechanic. She’s liable to get f…ed.

Obviously that’s an exaggeration somewhat, but fuck ups happen all too frequently even in the medical field as we all know, and I sure as hell don’t want my shoulder not getting the best care possible for this very reason.
I fully intend to take my time just as Schwarzenegger is doing with his shoulder, and slowly do what has to be done. And in time I can get back to getting the ol chest up to par again, and continue on sculpting the best possible body I can with my genetics and ‘assistance’.

In the mean, once the sucker is out of a sling and able to take some movement without hurting etc, I’ll start squatting again, and trying to incorporate that and bulgarian squats back into my leg workouts once more.

I’m lucky I have the killer seated cam driven leg ext/curl machine which I’ll be able to use from now right on through the surgery, even while the sucker is laid up in the sling.

Anyway, thanks buddy, enjoy the weekend and keep up the good work on your physique!
