[quote]5.0 wrote:
Dang, I missed the updates on the surgeon searching, and good news on that end. That’s great news.
Waaaay back in high school I hyperextended my knee. It gave me fits for years, until I finally found a surgeon who realized what I knew for years, that my ACL was torn. In '97 she fixed me up, and here we are more than 10 years later, and it’s still great.
You’re doing the right thing, and it’s sounds like it should’ve happened quite some time ago. Good news! [/quote]
Thanks 5.0, you’re right about it should have happened a while back. To be honest, it was hard to tell if it was just a stubborn minor thing, or not. It was different though from the past shoulder problems I’ve had. In that, there is/was two different pains in the shoulder. There’s one more acute pain that is right in the front where the clavicle tie in is, and then there is a different deeper, more throbbing type pain that is towards the rear delt, which was/is shooting down the upper half of my tricep.
Now that I’ve completely stopped all upper body stuff for about 3 weeks, the rear pain has gotten better, but the acute pain in the front is definitely still going strong.
Anyway, yep it’s a good feeling to know you have a great doctor working on you. I equate it to someone like myself being an old woman taking in her mercedes to some random mechanic. She’s liable to get f…ed.
Obviously that’s an exaggeration somewhat, but fuck ups happen all too frequently even in the medical field as we all know, and I sure as hell don’t want my shoulder not getting the best care possible for this very reason.
I fully intend to take my time just as Schwarzenegger is doing with his shoulder, and slowly do what has to be done. And in time I can get back to getting the ol chest up to par again, and continue on sculpting the best possible body I can with my genetics and ‘assistance’.
In the mean, once the sucker is out of a sling and able to take some movement without hurting etc, I’ll start squatting again, and trying to incorporate that and bulgarian squats back into my leg workouts once more.
I’m lucky I have the killer seated cam driven leg ext/curl machine which I’ll be able to use from now right on through the surgery, even while the sucker is laid up in the sling.
Anyway, thanks buddy, enjoy the weekend and keep up the good work on your physique!