The Queen's Training Log

I’ve been lurking around here for a few months. Finally decided to start my own training log!

Okay here we go.
I was an athlete my entire life, and was always very fit and semi muscular and in shape. I never had to worry about what I was eating, or how much I worked out. After high school I went to the gym a few times a week, not really knowing what I was doing, not getting anywhere, for about a year.
I am currently 166 pounds, 5 feet 8 inches tall.
I have been training for the past 7 months.
I work out alone, and therefor don’t max out very often.
DON’T ask me for what my diet looks like.
I am currently in Iraq, and it is not exactly easy to eat perfect for me right now.
Oh, and I have a killer sweet tooth and don’t really care anyways!
SO. that said.

CURRENT 1RM estimates:
Bench- 170
DL- 315
Squat- 235

I can probably do about 10 pull ups in a row, and maybe 30 dips.
I don’t use gloves, wrist straps, or any type of gear for lifting.
I use a belt on occasion when heavy deadlifting.
I have tried a numerous variety of workout splits and routines.
I’m not very picky, and get bored easily so I like to change it up a lot.
Last week I had to take 3 days off from the gym because my shoulder was acting up and it was the worst thing ever.
I’m considering starting a 5x5x5 program, just to try it out.

I am really not good at calling exercises by their proper names, and I don’t log my workouts, but I’m going to try my best to make sense of them on here.

Today I did back and bi’s, but threw in some random shit as well.
oh, and here at my gym, some of the weights are pounds, and some are KGs, so bear with me…

V grip low row 4x8
wide grip lat pull 4x8
bent over DB pull 3x9
bent over db flyes 3x12
bent over bb rows 1x8x108 3x8x138
hang clean press 5x2x89
incline a/t db curl 4x8x25
preacher db curl 4x10x30
ez bar 21s 4 sets
straight arm cable bar pull down 4x10
pull ups 4x5

Now I’m going to write an essay and go to sleep.

Mel, welcome! Love your pic, and I’ll be really interested to hear more about what you’ve got going on training-wise.

Those pullup and dip numbers are awesome.

lolcat pic attachment fail :frowning:


Big weights, a killer sweet tooth and no straps? This sounds like my kind of training log.

Mel, you look incredible. Love the ink. Glad you’re using your down time in Iraq to keep up the training. Whatever your eating/sweet tooth may be, you look like you have incredibly low body fat. You also look as strong as your numbers attest. Looking forward to updates (and trying not to be jealous – a wasted emotion!).

(And your numbers are wonderful. 170 bench?!)

Hey Mel! I’ve seen some of your pics before and always thought you looked amazing! Glad to see you’re starting a log. I have a naughty sweet tooth as well. Savory dishes don’t tempt me one bit, but I dream of chocolate waterfalls and warm cakey baked goods. I love baking dessert as well. Ok, not to ramble in your log…amazing back and great lifts. Can’t wait to follow your progress!!

Glad you are staying safe over there…how much longer??

Hello everyone! Thank you for the welcomes!
I am glad I have fellow sweet tooth buddies!
I pull big weigh as often as I can. I loveeee it.
I’m not sure if my body will a few years down the road, oh well!
MIM- I have about 4 months left here. uhg. I wanna go home!

EDIT: I have accidentally created 2 logs because my computer froze while I was making this one and I wasnt sure if it saved so I made another…THIS will be the one I will be using! THANK!

going to post some random pics of the kids :slight_smile:
and then go to the gym!
upper back is sore…uhg. that’s what I get for going hard after taking 3 days off!

Lower back/quads/hamms/glutes today!

oh and
Alisa- That was my recent max, my bench tends to be all over the place lately.
owlie- you can ramble on my log anytime!

One of my little princess’s

The other girls :slight_smile:

[quote]melanieamber12 wrote:
I pull big weigh as often as I can. I loveeee it.
I’m not sure if my body will a few years down the road, oh well!


Just make sure you’re doing your rehab/prehab/stretching/mobility/massage/whatever it is you do to keep your body happy, on a regular basis. Fixing things later on is no fun. Trust me.

And, your children are adorable.

One of the few woman I know who can raw bench more than her bodyweight. Very impressive.

buckeye- I am hurting right now without my chiropractor, and massage therapist. As soon as I get back stateside, my body will be happy again!
snap- thank you. I want to bench 200lbs this year. but we will see.

food and errands now…todays workout will be posted later.
im hurting. sore. tired. bad headache. uhg.


Todays workout:

treadmil: 17 minutes uphill fast walk, 3 minutes run.

RDL 1x8x135(warm up) 4x6x250
Squat 5x8x135 …(I have been trying to fix my squat for the past few months because I was never properly shown, and therefore fucked it up big time, and now I am going back to perfect it…thus the light weight. My friend worked with me and really helped me perfect it today)
split leg press 3x9x135(each leg)
lying leg curl 3x10x35(each leg)
leg extension 3x8x35(each leg)

I feel like shit today. STILL have a massive headache, feeling weak. uhg.
Oh, and I finally squatted barefoot and fell in love, I will now be squatting barefoot every time. SO much better. Totally fixed my leaning forward problem.
I still had cardio, and just enjoyed all three of my double chocolate chip cookies from subway. awesome.
Just received my package from the wifey with my HOT-ROX in it.
I think I’m going to save it for when I actually decide to diet down…
this will be shortly before I go home…you know, so I can look all sexy for the wife :slight_smile:
chest and tris tomorizzle


Diet down? Are you crazy? You are mere perfection as you are!

Love how you call 135 lb. a “light weight” in squats. Yeah, barefoot or chucks are the only way to go.

You oughta compete. That bench alone would get you a prize to hang around your wife’s neck!

word!!! nice work!!

i feel akin to you as well, i had t relearn my squat too, i bet once you do your numbers will be incredible.
just look at that bench sigh --most jealous :stuck_out_tongue:
cute pups too :)!

snap- thank you, you make me feel so good about myself! but I wish I was MUCH leaner. I feel fat. and I actually think my squat weight sucks, I wish it was stronger! I would like to compete. I’m trying to decide if I want to go the BB route, or the powerlifting route. not sure…

brute- thanks!

Your kids are very adorable. That first lil puff ball looks like a mischief maker.

200lb bench hell yes! You can do it this year I bet, or at least come very close.

Squats are a cruel mistress. Its especially difficult to relearn them if you received bad instruction or no instruction initially. I am always having my ups and downs when it comes to squatting heavy and I find I have to be really aggressive about keeping good form. They’re so technical and finicky. I agree with brute though, your squat is going to fly up once you really drill that form into your head.