i just checked out the protein factory website, it’s awsome!
you can formulate the blend you want and at about $7 per pound, forget the rest of the name brands out there.
I am able to get a 5lb container of EAS whey protein for $29 at Discount Nutrition Center. I dont know if they have any in your area but you should try to check it out. They have awesome prices on everything.
I know there’s a lot of talk these days about Casein and Whey Isolates, but I’ve been getting great results using whey from Supplement Direct. You can always add some flaxseed oil to slow it’s absorption.
You can get an 11-pound bag for $49 + s&h (+ CA tax if you’re in CA). For me, I order it from their secure website at any hour, get it within 2 business days (I live in San Diego) and the total is ~$59 - Have never had anything but great service from those guys. - check it out …
All you are buying is cheap whey concentrate from EAS and supplement direct. I once ordered whey protein from supp. direct to see what it was all about. I remembering opening this big bucket of clumped up whey that looked ten years old. I was expecting to find a mummy at the bottm of the barrel. I’ve been going through Alex at the protein factory for 2 yrs. now. They are the leaders in cutting edge bulk protein sources.