The Oscars SUCK!

The Oscars suck…
Ellen sucked, her jokes were not funny.
The presenters sucked. Their jokes were not funny.
Inside jokes are not funny and neither are the twerps they put on stage.

Anyone else find the Oscars annoying?

I’ve never wacthed the Oscars or any other award show in my life. I honestly don’t have a fucking clue what the awards are for.

I’m going to keep it that way. I doubt I’m missing much.

Did you not see Will Ferrel, Jack Black’s musical routine ? I thought that was great, but thats just my humble opinion.


(Geez, Hawk! You knew all that even BEFORE the Awards were over? LOL!)

I think that two things are important for a “successful” Academy Awards:

  1. The Films

The best years are those when there is a year of strong films, made even more so by a “Blockbuster” that dominates.

This will go down as a “so-so” year.

  1. The Presenter

I think the Academy REALLY wanted Billy Crystal to be a sort of “permanent” presenter along the lines of first Bob Hope then Johnny Carson.

For whatever reason, Crystal can’t (or won’t) commit. (NOTHING sets the tone like his beginning montages when he places himself in all of the “Best Picture” nominated films!)

I think they actually like Whoppee. Certain presenters just set a tone for the whole awards.

Other host (including Ellen) end up being “hit or miss”. (Remember Letterman? OUCH!)

This seems like it will go down as a “so-so” awards year…

(Now go back and watch the whole damn thing Hawk!)


That’s what you get for watching an awards show.

I was in another room, but when I heard the grating noise of Al Gore making a heart felt plea for everyone to go green - I thought I was going to puke.

[quote]WS4JB wrote:
Did you not see Will Ferrel, Jack Black’s musical routine ? I thought that was great, but thats just my humble opinion.


Yea, I liked that too. I did get annoyed with other parts of the Oscars, like the awards that don’t seem to mean anything to me.

I liked Ellen’s jokes, but I like Ellen in general. I think I “get” her because we both like pussy. :wink:

[quote]rainjack wrote:
I was in another room, but when I heard the grating noise of Al Gore making a heart felt plea for everyone to go green - I thought I was going to puke. [/quote]

Again? I didn’t see it with these Oscars because I was switching from Law and Order, but I remember seeing him at another awards show talking about the same thing.

Does he make a point to go to all of these things to talk about the same stuff?

[quote]rainjack wrote:
I was in another room, but when I heard the grating noise of Al Gore making a heart felt plea for everyone to go green - I thought I was going to puke. [/quote]

Thats why I avoid them.

I believe that Hollywood should stick to making movies.

I mean, if you are going to get behind a movement, shouldn’t the walk match the talk?
How green is a private jet?

Some thoughts for discussion…

  1. It will probably go down as a “so-so” year.

  2. “WOO-HOO” for Martin Scorsese! IT’S ABOUT DAMN TIME! (Who did HE piss off in the Academy in the past?)

  3. Ellen? “B” for a “Non-Billy Crystal/Non-Whoopi” presenter.

  4. The political stuff? Probably not on this night, especially with it being a “so-so” year.

  5. Was Helen Mirrin (“The Queen”) kinda’…uh…HOT? (In a “Grand-MILF” kinda’ way?)

  6. Was Jack HIGH?



Martin Scorsese

Wow…not many movie fans in “The Nation”, huh?


[quote]Mufasa wrote:
Martin Scorsese

Wow…not many movie fans in “The Nation”, huh?


Should a remake be able to win best film with best direction?

I mean its a remake, many seens were identical…

If the remake is a strong adaptation…

Then yes, it should win.

Also, remember that the Academy Voting is full of bias, sentiment, emotion and “politics”. It’s people voting for friends and colleagues.

I think Scorsese was also being rewarded for his amazing body of work.


I admittedly haven’t seen any of the other Best Picture nominees, but I loved The Departed; thought it rocked. Pure testosterone! Awesome acting from Nicholson, Wahlberg, DiCaprio (who surprised me), Damon, Baldwin, Sheen, etc. Cool, intriguing story with lots of twists, especially towards the end. They let Jack be Jack (although a Bostonian version of Jack), which fit perfectly in the film. Even the music kicked some ass, if you remember that Irish-themed metal-type tune they played at certain times.

Very, very cool flick.

OK, maybe they sucked (I didn’t watch them), but I did see Nicole Kidman and Daniel Craig present the first award.

Now, I may be a T-Man…but did the sight of those two not make people’s knees weak? Damn!

The awards might not mean anything to you but its the higest achievement as a filmmaker that you can dream of. Think of a gold metal or MVP/championship rings for an athlete. There are events in the olympics or sports that you might not care about but its a life time achivement for a life time of hardwork for the individual and I think they deserve a bit of recognition for what they are doing and for the sport.

You obviously don’t have to give a damn about what a sound mixer does but as a filmmaker myself I respect and give credit and respect all aspects of films and sit through and watch the credits after every movie when everyone else merely walks out the theater and leave their trash behind.

Most people are bored of the Oscars simply because they havn’t seen 90 percent of the films that get nominated.

[quote]Mufasa wrote:
Martin Scorsese

Wow…not many movie fans in “The Nation”, huh?


I love movies, but I draw the line at “celebrity worship”. That’s all the awards are. A bunch of fluffed-up, self-important millionaires patting each other on the back for being so great. I refuse to watch award shows.

When you think about it, they are all paid liars. They get paid to be someone they are not. Just because you played a savvy politican in a movie doesn’t make you politically savvy. Just because you played a super-tough street thug doesn’t make you tough.

Too often we equate a movie star’s persona with their movie characters. Tom Cruise always plays a clever, honorable, witty, action guy. In reality he’s a total dip-shit. But people still care about his opinions for some reason.

And Al Gore is a bafoon. Is it me or is his neck disappearing?

They should call it the Egomaniac Awards.

[quote]PGJ wrote:
And Al Gore is a bafoon. Is it me or is his neck disappearing?

I think it is morphing into a second chin.

But I agree with your other sentiments. Who the hell are these people that they should be elevated to the point of gods? They are the moral dregs of society compared to people truly worthy of respect.

The whole green thing was a joke. They had John Travolta on as a presenter. For crying out loud - he flew in on his own private 737. And they want to talk about dedicating the Oscars to sving the fucking environment?

All the head nodding when he spoke made me sick.

And everyone that thinks this feel-good bullshit matters should be forced to live with Brittany Spears, or the Hilton whore.