The One Day Arm Cure, Six Years Later?

Charles Poliquin wrote this article on the One Day Arm Cure about six years ago:

Has anyone who currently posts on these forums actually tried this? How did it work out?

It sounds a lot like an article I read recently in Muscle & Fitness, which I dismissed as lunacy. But now I see something similar being espoused by Charles from time well before that M&F article.

So, six years later, is this still an interesting way to blast some size onto the arms? Or has this been superceded by some new knowledge?

some people have gotten smaller arms from one day arm cure. im pretty sure it was Chad Waterbury who said that poliquin took the idea from an old mag and the body can only tolerate so much growth stimulus each day. one day arm cure is way too much.

I was under the impression that the size you gained from a one-day cure program, was strictly from swelling due to serious abuse to the muscle tissue.

I think Waterbury says something about this in his 100 reps to bigger muscles article, but it could’ve been somewhere else.

me and my best friend tried the program about five years ago. three eighths of an inch one week after. followed it to the t. it was funny because we did it the weekend before finals and for almost the whole week we suffered during standardized testing and not being able to write, carry books, etc. fun to try though.