The Milk Challenge, one gallon, one hour, mucho dinero is at stake!

OK, I have been challenged by a friend to the ‘Milk Challenge’, one gallon whole milk in one hour and who can hold it the longest. We’ll probably do this at a party next week while everyone else is drinking. SO! I need some tips on how to do it without puking too soon. Should i overdose on digestive enzymes or something? Anyone else have to do this shit and if so how did you win?! Any help would really be appreciated. The only guy that ever kept it down the longest (1/2 hour) was this guy that was ripped at 190 at 5’10". Thank god i aint going against him! Anyways, any help?

LOL I almost shit myself laughing when I read this post.

practice. start now and build up to the gallon. other than that, i have no idea.

Pop some lactaid tabs. That should help. Also, you can try to eat as much bread/toast as close as you can to the actual time of drinking it. That way it might absorb the milk and then you wouldn’t have to deal with digesting it all at once. I don’t really know though. These things might help they might not but it is worth a shot.

Keep it down? How can you not drink a gallon of milk and keep it down? Is it rotten? Are you hiding it behind a radiator for a week? I don’t get it?

supposedly drinking a gallon of milk in one hour and keeping it down (non skim) has been proven to be impossible. I thought it would be hard with 1% but you are doing it with whole!!! Good luck. All I can offer you is to go buy some lactase pills and take a whole lot more than the recommended dose. I would say take the whole bottle but Im not gonna say that cause i dont know what kind of negative effects an enzymne overdose could have. I would plan out a pace also, like time yourself with a stopwatch and drink like every 4 minutes or something, but drink bigger portions at first and slowly decrease it as the hour goes by, this should lessen your chances of throwing up too soon.

WHOLE!!! I did it with 1/2%, but I only got $10 out of it. man… whole milk… ugh.
I say we start taking a look at what would make you yack it back up. My thoughts are this: your stomach is a strong acid, pH~1 I think, and milk is a strong base. I dont think it would be crazy to assume your body would want to keep that pH low, you know, keep it at normal functioning levels. But, since the milk is a weak base… A little wouldnt do much to the pH of your stomach, but an entire gallon would really kill the acidity. So, as a reaction, your body wants to get rid of the base so that it can get the stomachs pH back down. And whats the easiest, quickest way of getting something out of your stomach? Yarpin it back up.
So, that being said, I think the question that should be asked next is- How can we lower the pH of your stomach? Can you take anything during the hour? I am sure there is something you can take orally that could lower the pH of your stomach. But if you have to take it prior to the chugging, it may make you puke by itself.

What do you guys think? Is my reasoning out of left field, or does it sound somewhat concievable? And if I am not totally loony, how can we lower this T-mans stomach pH safely? You have your mission, now get to it!

I am dying to hear how this comes out… Let us know the results!

I know someone who tried that but there was a twist to it. The person had to do a “mystery shot” every 15 minutes. One was tequila, one was cottage cheese, I forget the other 2. By the way the person wa a girl. Held everything in too. Just kidding, she booted like there was no tomorrow and called out of work the next day.

Smoke up before you have to drink.

correction to my prior post- milk is not a strong base, i believe it is a weak/medium base. I am unsure of its pH. but, in the shear volume that our T-man would be consuming it, it would act as a very good pH raiser…
sorry for the mix up… sometimes I dont type what I am thinking…

Damn,that sounds hard…

OK, I am going to drink some watered down tobasco sauce and eat alot of toast before hand in addition to taking a shitload of lactaid pills before hand. Also, no milk for that entire day except that gallon! hhhhhmmmm… I think that I can easily win with these advantages, although dishonest, hey, we’re talking about pride and money here! Thanks for the help bros. ~PorchDawg

I’ve drunk 3/5th of a gallon of milk at one time (over the course of maybe 10-15 minutes) with no problem. I do drink a lot of milk, generally.

If the exact wording of the challenge was “one gallon whole milk in one hour and who can hold it the longest”, then I think I have a sure-fire strategy for you. Drink as much milk as you can before you have to yak. Then stop and take a deep breath. Relax. Get out your enema bag and pour the remaining milk into it…What you wanna win or not?!?

Well good luck. Wish I was in it. Downing a gallon of milk (whole, 1%, skim) is no problem for me, but I guess if your not used to drinking milk…

Just a suggestion, can you make it chocolate milk or eat it with cookies?

a disgusting thought…perhaps the vomiting is caused by the milk curdling in the stomach? think about it, your stomach is gonna churn out as much acid as it can to deal with the amount of food you ingest. now, acids make milk sour, right? so he’s gonna have a gut load of curdled milk…128 ounces of spoiled milk. i bet his stomach is gonna want to get rid of that ASAP! mix some lemon juice with whole milk…you get chunks and watery stuff… mmmmmmmmmmm!!!

ok, here is what is poppin now, I believe that the fact that it curdles is the answer, so, i have to prevent that from happening…therefore, i must find someway to get it into the intestines as fast as possible so my stomoche has a. more room and b. not as much curdled milk.
SO, I need to buy a substance that just sends shit right through your system really fast, any ideas?

Good call, michelle. I didnt even think of that. that brings up an entire realm of new problems, though…
A gallon of Whole… I dont think I could do it. The crap is like glue… But anything less, no prob…

Yeah I think I have to agree with Michelle too. Yuck. Would lactose free milk help???Whatever happened to just getting drunk? Is this like some Dr. Randall Strossen cult or something? Braahahah hee hee. :slight_smile:
