The Flame-Free Confession Thread

Since I been using calibrated discs first ones face in cos convention I guess.

As a better than average golfer, I can relate. Not sure most people know this, but golf balls have seams that run circumferentially and it is easiest to compress a golf ball if contact is made at a ninety degree angle to the seam.

This is why it is beneficial to place the name horizontally when you tee it up.

It is also why it is beneficial to place the name vertical when putting (to get the seam rolling the ball towards the hole).

Little known fact - compressing a golf ball is the secret to consistent distance.

@FlatsFarmer, you’re welcome.

My confession - I was a PGA Professional in a past life.

So when you are working at a high level, power lifting or golf, it’s important to have consistency.


I didn’t even know things like that need to be considered. I’ve always loaded plates with the Kg/lb stamp facing out.

I freaking despise hex plates though. Absolutely do not like them. Especially for deadlifting.

Literally about cried laughing when I saw this picture of Eddie Hall.

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This entire train of threads has been revelatory.

I have honestly never considered which way around I load plates.

I thought I was a little OCD for preferring to have the same type of plate for each pair.

I don’t mind if the inside plate is metal and the next a bumper, as long as its a bumper on each side rather than bumper one side and metal the other side.


To be fair, I can absolutely understand the sunglasses. I’d guess all those spotlights pointing at you can really distract you and screw with your vision.

Yer really not sure what Eddie was thinking. Too much pre workout !!!

I was also moderately confused haha

This appeared on my suggested list, Absolutely cracked me up


What the actual fuck?

I was completely unaware there was a rule. I don’t compete. Hell, I’ve never even been in a gym that had comp plates. I’m just a little OCD with the plate loading. I don’t care if you place them facing in or out; I’m just an all or nothing guy (when it comes to loading plate). I have no idea why it bothers me. I also dislike having to use two different brands/types of plates. My gym has three different types of 10’s now. For some reason I prefer that I use the same ones. We have two types for everything else. I can settle on the smaller plates but I refuse to use different 35’s and 45’s. They’re different diameters and I’ve convinced myself it could affect the balance of the bar. I’m a little crazy like that.

We have these two brands.

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As an aside, those would make awesome steering wheels for a hard-core lifter. Pimp my ride!


POWER steering.


Fuck freezing rain

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You’re getting it too? We had freezing rain and then some light snow this morning. Good old Kansas weather. The end result is that the roads have a nice sheet of ice on them. The wind chill is -1 deg F and the wind is blowing out of the north steadily at 30 mph. I hate our winters. I’d prefer several inches of snow. For some reason I can tolerate and almost enjoy cold and snow but this cold/windy/frozen crap sucks.

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With you on that, I can happily tolerate snow and minus temperatures with no wind or rain but give me plus figures with wind and rain then it’s just miserable

I am in the Des Moines, IA area and we got it this morning and my car is frozen shut. Luckily class was cancelled and no work today so I didn’t have to worry about that

50F and Rainy, from now until May 1. Don’t mind me, just popping some D3 pills.

Heh. Cold Weather

And this is at 7 in the morning on a very, very good day.