The Expendables: A Call To Arms

This is it people. Stand up for what you love. Be counted or Be in line for Julia.


If I can find a theater in NOLA that’s playing it, I’ll be there. Otherwise I’ll be drunk in the French Quarter that night.

Count me in.

They needed JCVD and Steven Segal and a few others to make it complete, but it looks pretty good.

Someone’s gonna post an Anti-Expendables thread.

“The plot made no sense! Stallone is way to old to be in this movie! Jet Li doesn’t talk like that!”

[quote]WolBarret wrote:
Someone’s gonna post an Anti-Expendables thread.

“The plot made no sense! Stallone is way to old to be in this movie! Jet Li doesn’t talk like that!”[/quote]

Only the guys who love Twilight and hate Predator movies.

[quote]WolBarret wrote:
Someone’s gonna post an Anti-Expendables thread.

“The plot made no sense! Stallone is way to old to be in this movie! Jet Li doesn’t talk like that!”[/quote]

Man I hope so. I’ve been hoping we could get all the Ambercrombie and Finch people in one place so I could know them by site.

Randy Couture is in there as well! I love that guy, this should be epic!


Even all the women I know want to see that movie. Then again, the women I deal with like real men.

Where’s Van Damme?


[quote]WolBarret wrote:
WhiteFlash’s gonna post an Anti-Expendables thread.

“The plot made no sense! Stallone is way to old to be in this movie! Jet Li doesn’t talk like that!”[/quote]


[quote]Ct. Rockula wrote:
Where’s Van Damme?


Stallone offered a role to JCVD, but he turned it down.

I can’t wait to see this, but I hope Couture doesn’t get too many lines.

They would have to work really hard to fuck this one up. I’m keeping my fingers crossed.

I’m bringing a live cow and a habachi so I can cook a steak while I watch it at the theatre. I feel this movie si so hardcore manly it actualy makes men gay there’s just such a T overload that the body does a 360 from straight to gay to straight. Also Jean Claude said there was no story so he turned it down, the man who did Replicant turned down a multi million dollar film

I will be seeing this either in the first showing in my city or sometime on opening night. Only because of four60 and his video there. Otherwise it would have been torrent away!

[quote]BulletproofTiger wrote:
They needed JCVD and Steven Segal and a few others to make it complete, but it looks pretty good.[/quote]

Steven Segal was busy filming Machete with Danny Trejo

Been waiting to see this film since A-Team. Guess I will keep waiting a bit longer.

I just had half my office gather around and play that clip 5-6 times. Somewhere the “ROCK” has his agent in a head lock looking at the clip of Crews with the M-16 blazing going WTF MANNNNNNNNNNNNNNN

[quote]four60 wrote:
Somewhere the “ROCK” has his head in a puddle of choc chip cookie-dough ice cream looking at the clip of Crews with the M-16 blazing going WHY DID I HAVE TO MAKE TOOTH FAIRY AND BECOME SO SMALL AND WEAK THAT I DON’T DESERVE A ROLE IN THIS MANNA OF MANLINESS!!![/quote]

Also fixed.

That. Trailer. Fucking. Rocked.