Hello, my name is Noah and while I’m not new to lifting I still feel like a bit of a beginner. However, I’m wanting to start and take a step to the next level and I’m hoping this place can help me with that. A little bit about myself:
Sex: Male
Age: 31
Height: 5’10"
Current Weight: 180lbs
Body Fat is currently unknown
When I was 19 I was 135lbs soaking wet but I was so active in sports I stayed incredibly lean. Just like a lot of men in their mid twenties I entered the work world and quickly put on a gut and jumped to 160lbs and was your classic skinny fat guy.
Two kids later and age quickly flying by I decided to start hitting the iron. I stumbled across a book called Scrawny to Brawny and subsequently came across Precision Nutrition. I’ve been hanging out there for two years now and have learned tremendously from it, but I wanted to come here where it’s a bit more oriented on getting big instead of getting lean.
I’ve bulked, I’ve cut and I’ve done a lot of lifting. Right now I’m doing the super squats program with my last two workouts looking like this:
March 27th:
Overhead Press:
10x25, 35, 70, 85, 95, 100, 105
Bench Press:
12x35, 70, 105, 125, 145, 155
Super Squats:
10xBW, 8x35, 6x70, 4x125, 20x150
Stiff Legged Dead Lifts:
Pull Overs:
Bent Over Rowing:
15x125 suppinated, 15x125 pronated
10x70, 70
Toe Raises:
3x20xBW+37.5 each side
Elevated Leg Crunches:
Last night:
Overhead Press: 6x25, 35, 70, 125, 125, 125, 125
Incline Bench Press: 6x35, 70, 125, 145, 145, 155
Super Squats: 10xBW, 8x35, 6x70, 4x125, 1x160, 20x160
Pullovers: 20x35
Rack Pulls just below knee: 125, 160, 175, 205, 225, 255, 275, 305, 325, 345, 365, 385 (Fail)
Pullovers: 20x35
My last test of maxes a few months ago resulted in the following:
Bench Press: 240lbs
Overhead Press: 150lbs
Back Squat: 245lbs
Deadlift: 335lbs (Although I have done 365 but it was ugly as hell. I should have put my back out)
So I’m going to start logging here and start reading others hoping to get some ideas. I’m considering investing in some bands for my home gym setup and possibly chains down the road. Again, I’m looking to get to the next level here and looking for help.
I can post pictures if anyone wants to see them. I’m at the top end of a bulk right now so I’m on the loose side, but I’m going to tighten up for my beach vacation in 6 weeks.