I am currently finishing up T-Dawg 2.0. I lost about 13 pounds on it in 9 weeks of actually doing it, and I am very happy with the results. I don’t see a noticable loss in muscle mass, and in fact my lifts have gone up. I now feel it is time to start bulking up for Football in the Fall, so as to give me enough time cut a little bit of the fat off me before the season actually starts. I am planning on transitioning by adding about 250 kcals a day per week. My question is, how high do I want to go? I would like to do this in a way that maximizes my muscle gain while minimizing fat gain. I know that is everyone’s goal, but what kind of Kcal numbers and the like are going to get me there? My current starts are 233, with ~13 percent body fat. I have done self tests and am going to get it tested by the school trainer with more accurate calipers and a better knowledge of how to do it. I would like to do this using only supplements that are considered legal by the NCAA (no mag-10 etc.)
To give a bit of background, I have been T-Dawging with between 2550 and 2700 kcals a day. I’m going to be honest, that amount of food seems to be enough to keep me from not wanting to eat a lot more, and on my “off days” when the cals are a bit higher i get sick to my stomach. From JB’s Massive Eating Calculator, I am supposed to get almost 5000 calories a day if I want to bulk, but I am fairly certain I would puke everywhere if I even tried that. Will 3500 Kcals be enough? Or is 4000 even better? What kind of nutrient break downs (in terms of percentages of calories from Protien/Carbs/Fats).
Also, regarding the supplements, what kind of stuff do you suggest? I am currently taking a Multi, Flax Oils (2 tbsp a day), Fish oil caps (6 a day), Metamucil (2 servings a day) and ZMA at night along with LC Grow to get some added protien. I am thinking of using R-ALA to shuttle some more carbs into muscles post work out. I am also contemplating using some Creatine, as I have half a tub sitting not being used. I also use SURGE PWO.
Thanks to all, and sorry for the diatribe. If you have any questions, I will be glad to answer. And please, be critical, I am trying to do this in the best way possible.