The Best of Waterbury?

alright all you CW fans, i have a question for you all.

what would you guys say are the TWO best:

  1. 3x a week programs from CW

  2. 4x a week programs from CW

  1. TBT

  2. Quattro Dynamo

But this is like asking what your favorite movie is, you really can’t pick just 1.

i kinda meant two workouts for each. an example being for the 3x a week: hybrid hypertrophy and TBT.

but thanks for your input. much appreciaated.

did you try them? what were your results like?

Why would anyone want to follow programs for bodybuilding written by someone who detests bodybuilders?

i have a weird schedule and i can only weightlift 3-4x a week. and each workout can’t be too long. thats why i go with Chad’s workouts cuz they’re the most time efficient and works great for my schedule.

and i dont beleive he hates bodybuilders per se, but the way they train. bodybuilders of old times past built lots of muscle with total body workouts. im not saying that splits suck, but they’re good for ppl who have built up alot of mass already. i need MORE than 10 added across my whole body (muscle of course), and even advocates of splits would agree that total body workouts are great for that purpose.

plus, if you read todays article, you’ll notice that Mike Roussell stated somewhere that to improve strength AND SIZE, frequency of training a muscle group should be INCREASED.

sorry if i came off a bit snappy, or if i gave the impression that you in particular dont like total body workouts. thats just what it sounded like.

and remember, i consider ABBH to be a 3x a week pogram.

i meant 4x a week program

any other CW ppl out there?

best 3x a week workout: Waterbury Method

there are too many to choose.

Its like choosing between tits or ass.

[quote]Bricknyce wrote:
Why would anyone want to follow programs for bodybuilding written by someone who detests bodybuilders?[/quote]

In my case, because they’re easy to adapt to minimal equipment and they work.

[quote]dankid wrote:
there are too many to choose.

Its like choosing between tits or ass.[/quote]

Ass. That was easy.

I’ve only done three different Waterbury programs, I’d say I like the 25 method best. MRT is good but I really hate the endurance day. The 30 day mass plan is a fun change but I wouldn’t keep doing it beyond 30 days.

Oh lordy!

Man, I love very frequent training but its only something you throw in once in a while. Frequency is just ONE variable that can be played around with for progress…the more often you CAN train a muscle group (with overload), obviously the better. That doesn’t mean, the more often you TRAIN the better.

[quote]forbes wrote:
plus, if you read todays article, you’ll notice that Mike Roussell stated somewhere that to improve strength AND SIZE, frequency of training a muscle group should be INCREASED.

[quote]tribunaldude wrote:
Oh lordy!

Man, I love very frequent training but its only something you throw in once in a while. Frequency is just ONE variable that can be played around with for progress…the more often you CAN train a muscle group (with overload), obviously the better. That doesn’t mean, the more often you TRAIN the better.

forbes wrote:
plus, if you read todays article, you’ll notice that Mike Roussell stated somewhere that to improve strength AND SIZE, frequency of training a muscle group should be INCREASED.


yes, and every time i orkout, i try my absolute best to pump out more reps or lift heavier weights.