[quote]aussie486 wrote:
The quote’‘i hate all white racists’’ sums up your attitude well, your one of these people who only see what you want to see, you only hate white racists? what about yellow ones or black ones, or red or pokka dot ones, guess they don’t count for someone who just hates white racists, that sounds like racism to me.
Yeah now I can see where I went wrong. In my first post I said that I have only experienced racism personally (ie either directed at myself, my family or friends) - from white people, and was merely pointing out that there are more racist white Autralians than the general white populace likes to believe. And yes I do hate racists of all colours.
Now I know some Lebanese people who are racist, some Asians who are racist, some Indians who are racist etc, my point was simply that some Australians are up there with the worst of them.
My reason for taking this view point was that everyone seemed to be attacking and condemning the Lebanese community like they have had a stranglehold over the Australian community at small and large and that we were finally being liberated. I feel this is not the case and so argued against the majority on this board.
And so back to the riots, In Wednesday’s the Daily Telegraph on page four I found a small excerpt entitled, “Peace offer by 'Bra Boys”
with the following quoted from this article,
"Sunny Abberton - brother of surfstar Koby Abberton - said the 'Bra Bys would help broker peace.
‘Mate, we are shocked to be dragged into this,considering it all started in North Cronulla,’ he said.
‘Even though we were involved on Sunday night in protecting our suburb, we are far from racist. In fact the Boys are quite multicultural and it’s a big multicultural community.’"
This makes more sense to me. Seeing as if this gang is fighting simply to protect their turf, that a lot of what else is going on is the racism, with at least equal amounts coming from the white Australian side.
Like the story of ‘Issa,’ a Lebanese kid from Bankstown who was bashed by about 30 white people whilst he had his hands voluntarily behind his back, repeatedly telling them he was as Australian as them.
But then aussie486 you are saying that the 'revolution’taking place is about the way the rest of the world views Australians, whilst the original poster seems to think that this revolution is coming in the form of the overthrow of some form of tyrannical power.
Furthermore, the news headlines around the world seem to be completely whack, why were some earlier posters talking of neo-Nazis? I could swear we didn’t have such a large group of neo-Nazis in Sydney.