The Austerity Program

I’m getting ready to go thru some financially challenging times and have to make some cuts. Unfortunately, the gym is going to be one of them. My current pay as you go gym membership ends up being about $90.00 a month. I’ve been doing 5/3/1 and really enjoying it.

Last time this happened a couple of years ago I went with Coates Dumbell only program. it worked pretty well and I enjoyed it.

My current plan is to switch from 5/3/1 to a full body dumbell plan (Probably Coates again) that i can do at home. I have dumbells, kettlebells, a full set of rogue tube bands with handles, some monster bands, pullup bar, a couple of kettle bells, ect. BJJ will NOT be changing.

I think i can swing one trip to the gym a week. that would keep the total cost around $20 a month.

If i do 2-3 full body db/band/kb workouts a week, how do you think i should plan the 1 day a week gym workout? the gym has a bench press bench, squat rack, full set of DBs and oly plates, belt squat attachment for the rack, football bar, hex trap bar, ect. It’s basically a dream garage gym.

Any thoughts would be appreciated.


Where are you? I dream about my own gym but the return is not there and the get off my arse isn’t there.
Are you sure there isn’t a gym that could meet your needs at a price you can afford?

For what goal are you wanting to train for?


Strength for BJJ, with some associated hypertrophy.

and to not loose my mind during this period of my life.


What range of KBs do you have? Any doubles?

all singles up to 35lbs. I can probably grab another 35er before things go dark.


For what it’s worth I’ve been experiencing similar constraints (time though, not money), which has lead me to prioritize a one day real gym effort - with 1-2 other days training at home.

My take has been an A/B approach, shifting in between:
A) Squats + Bench
B) Deadlift + Bench

I have applied different powerbuilding techniques on these lifts (ladders, wave loading, 1-6 method, clusters) periodically - Aiming for 20 to 30 quality reps on each excercise. It is indeed surprising, to see you can progress over time, with just one A or B session a week. I’m a true testament that it actually works.

Aside from that, on my home gym days, I’ve applied more of a free form full body approach with accessory excercises, bodyweight high intensity (HIT) rep techniques, circuits, bands, dumbbells, sprints - You name it. As the weights are lower, I often focus on emphasizing the negatives (slow 5 sec negatives is a good start).

To sum it up, one approach elevates the other, making 1+1=3!

Not asking you to follow my example, just wanted to assure you that one heavy gym day - can - be sufficient (with a little strategic planning). Also, bear in mind I’m a low volume responder to begin with.

Best of luck!