Squats and milk.
Squats and milk.
Squats amd milk.
Shall I continue? The most important exercises for women in my opinion are the squat, deadlift, (I usually stay with Romanian DL for my female clients) Weighted step ups and bench presses (I usually stick with dbs)
Building muscle accelerates fat loss. The gluteus is the biggest muscle in the body, therefore has the biggest potential for aid in reaching her goals.
Squats are a requirement for building a body, period. This is regardless of age or gender, as long as they are physically capable of performing the movement without risk of injury.
Romanian DLs work the gluteus, hamstring and depending on foot placement and movement the abductor or adductor.
Weighted step up works the entire leg and glute one side at a time, the benetfit of this is self explanitory.
DB press with a heavier load, hits the chest, shoulder and tricep. These are all typical complaint areas for women.
Trust me, put these exercises, performed correctly into her routine, if you want her to get any progress from it.