That Big Weak Guy

A need for attention

A need to feel like you belong


Or - and this is the most likely - the wizard has bewitched you.

EDIT: what’s really funny if you’re the guy who started a thread about people posting fake lifting numbers. You’ve gone one further and posted a fake life.

Truly, these warlocks are cunning.

There isn’t anything fake about what I have said , what makes you think anything I’ve said is fake ?

Are you saying the OP’s a warlock? Seems more like a wizard to me.

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Depends on the individual’s height.

Yep there is people who are big and barely train: it’s called steroid usage. If you see him 8 months from now and he has shrunk to half his initial size then you have your answer.

Don’t mind the passive agressiveness in this thread, it’s because people here are using too and get all defensive. There is at least 3 people in this thread who are on gear.

Thanks for the reply , I think he may be on something to maintain his size , as you say I will be able to see over the next few months how he changes . as for the other comments I really don’t mind everyone is entitled to an opinio .

You are not stupid. You should know this is nonsense if you have a basic understanding of how steroids work. When you make statements like this on the internet out of spite, remember there are a lot of dumb teens reading this now and in the future who will believe them and some will actually be encouraged to start using.

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I think Bashin’s 1996 study was redone recently and verified putting a group on test and having them purposely avoid all training resulted in better mass gains and equivalent strength gains as the placebo group that trained.

Not sure why this upsets people so much.

No one is upset. Anyone who has used testosterone in such amounts can tell you that the “lbm” gained consists mostly of intra muscular fluid and water retention, especially since there was no use of estrogen blockers nor aromatase inhibitors in that study.

But why would you bring that up when the overall idea this thread is starting to give is that someone is capable of reaching IFBB Pro size due to steroid use despite only being capable of benching 15kg dumbbells?

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I said he was was using 15kg weights I didn’t say that’s all he is capable of maybe he can do a lot more but my point was supposed to be that’s all he’s using, I’m seeing ifbb pro size mentioned a lot but I can’t find anyone pros at 15 percent body fat at that weight, however I am at work and can’t spend a long time searching , I have said earlier he may be slightly lighter than i first posted by ten pounds and maybe a few percent higher bf , but essentially his workouts don’t seem to warrant his size , as for the drugs well I’m no expert so I will let some of the more experienced members here have their say.

don’t you just love it when people who know nothing about steroids try and talk about what they can and can’t do?

assuming you’re not lying, you obviously just have no idea how massive a dude at 250lbs and 10% bodyfat is…

And LOL at the passive/aggressive nattys in here!

I have a comment I would like to make here. First thing I have ever written here.
First, I am a relatively big guy & I certainly can’t even get a pump with weights that light. I am 6’4" 265lbs at around 12% body fat (just for reference here).
Here is the thing: there are two guys at my local gym who are quite massive & never use any really heavy weight training. There bf% is definitely higher that the op’s assessment of the guy he is talking about but they are solid for certain. Other guys often comment about the weight they use (behind there back). At first I could not understand either… I asked them about their training & learned that they are constantly using intensity techniques in place of just brute strength. I have tried out their techniques & (although my weight level is still higher than theirs using the same techniques) this stuff works great. They are maintaining their mass really well using this method & I am growing because I asked to learn.
Just ask, people are often willing to share their knowledge & insight.

Last, steroids are not magical. They are strong drugs that can help you on your way to the physique you are training towards (at a price & with risks). Without hard work & dedication to training & diet all year round they are of little use in my opinion, (sloppy, temporary gains at best.)
You can go a long, long way with training & diet alone without all of the risks (legal & health).
With or without performance enhancement… the “magic” comes from dedication, commitment, & hard work.


Thanks for the informative reply , its most likely I am off on my Assesment of his bf but like you say about the guys at your gym this guy is solid, I will attempt to start a proper conversation at some point and maybe get some good tips. As for the drugs topic i don’t know enough to make an intelligent comment lol

No problem, my pleasure.
Just ask man. This guy would probably love to share his insight.
The steroid reply was more for the guys who think “injection= IFBB pro physique.” & people they could mislead (unintentionally) into reckless &/or dangerous waters (so to speak.)


They must all be wizards!

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well at least they’re not warlocks!

(I know a man with your impeccable taste has seen that movie)

Yes! I knew you would get the “boiled fat of a virgin” reference! LOL!

it’s the only way to fly!