Hey CT. You give us so much great stuf here. I want to say Thank You So Much! Many things that you write help and you dont even realize it.
I hurt my shoulders over a year ago. Haven’t been able to bench. You mentioned something similar, and you came out with Growth Factor training.
I am benching again- not full force-- but my bench strength is where it was 2 years ago- so not bad at all… And no pain
Well this year I’ve done Power Look, Double Progression, and Growth Factor.
Every year with your help, I have hit new Pr’s, (either lifetime, or in the last 10 or 15 years) on many lifts, and more work in the higher rep ranges(this is a big damn deal for me). This year so far, it’s the Push Press and Military… I don’t remember the last time I had 200+ lbs over my head.
Honestly, thanks again for everything, even those little tidbits of info.
[quote]domcib wrote:
Hey CT. You give us so much great stuf here. I want to say Thank You So Much! Many things that you write help and you dont even realize it.
I hurt my shoulders over a year ago. Haven’t been able to bench. You mentioned something similar, and you came out with Growth Factor training.
I am benching again- not full force-- but my bench strength is where it was 2 years ago- so not bad at all… And no pain
Well this year I’ve done Power Look, Double Progression, and Growth Factor.
Every year with your help, I have hit new Pr’s, (either lifetime, or in the last 10 or 15 years) on many lifts, and more work in the higher rep ranges(this is a big damn deal for me). This year so far, it’s the Push Press and Military… I don’t remember the last time I had 200+ lbs over my head.
Honestly, thanks again for everything, even those little tidbits of info.[/quote]
This is very nice of you sir. And I agree with all my heart.
The Zercher Squats! ! Never feel a exercise Hit all my weakpoints in One snap . Now tatsächlich my Favorite and Do IT in veriation After squats Deadline and for Cardio
And thank to T-Nation for the idea of periworkout nutrition
I want to say thanks for:
-teaching me how to do reps for every purpose
-the layer system
-how to manipulate your own training (how to do exercises, different techniques, and so on)
-general training understanding "philosophy "
Dudes… I don’t like compliments! Seeing that I have a positive impact is reward enough. And it’s ME who should be thanking you for your confidence in me!
[quote]Christian Thibaudeau wrote:
Dudes… I don’t like compliments! Seeing that I have a positive impact is reward enough. And it’s ME who should be thanking you for your confidence in me![/quote]
Dude. They aren’t compliments. They are just exactly what they are. THANK YOUS.