Thank you Chris Shugart!

Just wanted to say thank you. I read in another a post where you talked about flavoring the vanilla with sugar free jello or pudding ect. Well last night I had my first Strawberry LC Grow! and I must say it was very good and I even think my wife is going to start drinking them that way. LC grow has a kind of strong coconut flavor and this method of mixing seems to mask it very well. My mixture was 1 package of sugar free strawberry kool aid 2 qts water. Mixed appropriate amount of water with LC grow and gulp down. Placed remainder of kool aid water mixture in fridge for use later. I believe I will be having all kinds of new flavored shakes now! I guess this is why you get paid the bid bucks! Thanks agian.

Mitch Green

Never heard of anyone thinking vanilla Grow! had a coconut flavor, but glad you liked the recipe ideas!

There’s an old article in the previous issues section called “Shake It Up” with some other ideas. Check those out if you ever get bored of standard vanilla and chocolate.

When I first tasted the vanilla Low Carb Grow! it totally reminded me of macaroon cookies…which I think have coconut in them. I haven’t had them n a long time!

In Faith,

To be truthful I think both chocolate and the vanilla have a slight coconut flavor. Thanks for the tip.

Yep, there is a taste of coconut in both choc and vanilla.

I’ve been mixing a cup of OJ and a scoop of vanilla LC Grow pre-workout. It tastes so damn good I always want another glass.

It’s funny, most of my friends drink Grow! and about 5% of them think it tastes remotely like cocoanut. The rest think it tastes like kick-ass vanilla (or Chocolate, as the case may be).

Hey Shugs,

How about a contest for the best Grow! recipe, or the most useful unconventional use of Grow! (i.e., as coffee creamer)?