Texas Toddler Murdered


These bitches will get the death penalty. The only problem it will take too long and unfortunately Texas doesn’t shove a lit road flare up peoples asses as a form of capital punishment. Anybody who disagrees is a piece of shit.

The girl was beaten with leather belts, had her head held underwater in a bathtub and then was thrown across a room, her head slamming into a tile floor.

An autopsy revealed that Riley suffered three skull fractures, but the cause of her death has not been determined.

Zeigler wanted his wife to spank Riley with a belt when she failed to say things like “please” and “yes sir” or “no sir,” Stickler said Wednesday. Zeigler didn’t believe Trenor was doing it, however, because the 2-year-old’s behavior wasn’t changing.

Although the affidavit said the couple abused Riley over a four- to six-hour period, Stickler said it wasn’t a continuous event. Instead, Zeigler grew increasingly enraged as he spanked Riley and she kept forgetting to do things the way he wanted.

“There was never an intention to beat Riley to death,” Stickler said.

Yeah, the death penalty is definately in order here. Unfortunately, the assholes will sit in tax funded prisons for years before taking an expensive, drug fueled leave of absence.

We should bring back hangings and firing squads. A rope will last for years and costs a few dollars.

Bullets big enough to do the job cost like $0.05. Guilty? take them behind the court house, put one in the back of their heads. Or string them up. End of story.

Well on the positive side, it’s Texas, so they’ll probably open up the express lane for these slimebags.

[quote]oldcrabbybastard wrote:
The girl was beaten with leather belts, had her head held underwater in a bathtub and then was thrown across a room, her head slamming into a tile floor.

An autopsy revealed that Riley suffered three skull fractures, but the cause of her death has not been determined.

Zeigler wanted his wife to spank Riley with a belt when she failed to say things like “please” and “yes sir” or “no sir,” Stickler said Wednesday. Zeigler didn’t believe Trenor was doing it, however, because the 2-year-old’s behavior wasn’t changing.

Although the affidavit said the couple abused Riley over a four- to six-hour period, Stickler said it wasn’t a continuous event. Instead, Zeigler grew increasingly enraged as he spanked Riley and she kept forgetting to do things the way he wanted.

“There was never an intention to beat Riley to death,” Stickler said. [/quote]

Someone should beat this attorney with leather belts, hold his head underwater and throw him across the room with his head slamming into a tile floor…with no intention of beating him to death however.

[quote]texasguy2 wrote:
Yeah, the death penalty is definately in order here. Unfortunately, the assholes will sit in tax funded prisons for years before taking an expensive, drug fueled leave of absence.

We should bring back hangings and firing squads. A rope will last for years and costs a few dollars.

Bullets big enough to do the job cost like $0.05. Guilty? take them behind the court house, put one in the back of their heads. Or string them up. End of story. [/quote]

Walamrt had 22 rounds for 5.50 for 550 rounds, even cheaper than you stated.

[quote]tom63 wrote:
texasguy2 wrote:
Yeah, the death penalty is definately in order here. Unfortunately, the assholes will sit in tax funded prisons for years before taking an expensive, drug fueled leave of absence.

We should bring back hangings and firing squads. A rope will last for years and costs a few dollars.

Bullets big enough to do the job cost like $0.05. Guilty? take them behind the court house, put one in the back of their heads. Or string them up. End of story.

Walamrt had 22 rounds for 5.50 for 550 rounds, even cheaper than you stated.


Yeah, but I would imagine they’d go with a bigger round. A .22 is definately deadly at point blank, but people can and have survived point blank .22 shots. I used to have a bb gun that was as powerful as a .22. I’m sure that could be construed as cruel and unusual. A 9mm or bigger would do the trick though. But point taken. And a bullet at any cost certainly is cheaper than 15 years of prison stay and an injection.

[quote]texasguy2 wrote:
Yeah, the death penalty is definately in order here. Unfortunately, the assholes will sit in tax funded prisons for years before taking an expensive, drug fueled leave of absence.

We should bring back hangings and firing squads. A rope will last for years and costs a few dollars.

Bullets big enough to do the job cost like $0.05. Guilty? take them behind the court house, put one in the back of their heads. Or string them up. End of story. [/quote]

I’d pay for a ticket to fly out there and buy my own rounds for the enjoyment of pulling the trigger.

Who needs the death penalty?

Seriously - two words: General Population.

Child killers last about thirty seconds.

I only wish it would happen tomorrow. Just as the sun begins to rise…let them never see another day.

i find myself hoping your wish comes true. it couldn’t come too soon. may they and their attorney burn in their hell for all eternity. Amen.

“Stickler said Zeigler was overwhelmed by his sudden fatherhood and didn’t know what behavior to expect from a toddler.”

So what? This makes him just like every other first time parent. I sure hope this wasn’t brought up as an excuse for what happened.

I wish we could bring back stoning for these two. Did anyone catch that the mother is pregnant?

That poor little girl.