Time for a new program. It’s not terribly different, but it’s different enough. I plan on essentially maintaining my weight right now, while just getting stronger. I’ll be eating 3000 calories on training days (up from 2500) and 2000 on non.
Weight: 172
Deadlift 1RM: 365
Squat 3RM: 300
Bench 4RM: 220
Military Press 2RM: 150
Row 4RM: 180
Here’s the plan:
Fullbody, three days a week. Three big lifts a day. Little to no accessory work (I’m still not eating a whole lot). Military Press/Bench will alternate week to week, as will BB Rows/Chins. I’ll squat three days a week every week. I’ll only deadlift on wednesday.
Monday is a “work/volume” day:
Reps/Load: 5x5, with the same weight.
Bench(A)/Military Press(B)
Chins(A)/BB Rows(B)
Wednesday is a light recovery day:
Reps/Load: 3x3, same weight as used on monday; exception is deadlift.
Military Press(A)/Bench(B)
BB Row(A)/Chins(B)
Deadlift; working up to one hard set of 5, a 5RM essentially.
Friday is a high intensity day:
Reps/Load: Work up to a 3RM.
Bench(A)/Miltary Press(B)
Chins(A)/BB Rows(B)
I’ll be working up to my current bests on Monday and Friday. I will not make any PR’s until the 5th week.
So, on the fridays of the 5th/6th week, I plan on hitting these weights:
Deadlift: 325x5
Squat: 305x5
Bench: 222.5x3
Miltary Press: 142.5x3
Chins: 52.5x3
Rows: 182.5x3
Every week thereafter will be PR attempts.