Did my first shot of Test Prop this morning. Thankfully the injection itself was so much easier than I had imagined - I followed all the rules I’ve been reading around here, but in the end you just gotta stick it in and hope all the research you’ve done will keep you from f*cking up. I would have crossed my fingers for good luck, but both hands were on the needle…
BUT: Other than a slight heaviness on my left side, I felt NO PAIN at all. No residual or lingering pain whatsoever - just the heaviness/warmness that I mentioned. Lasted for about three hours. Fine now.
A million people have told me that Prop hurts - so I’m assuming eventually it will kick my ass with pain? I’ve heard the pain stories so much that I’m wondering if my Prop is real! Great source, but I guess I’ll have to just wait and see.
Anyhow, now I’ve officially crossed to The Dark Side. And a shout out to Cortes, because the Ventrogluteal site absolutely ROCKS. Not even a hint of pain. On my way to the gym…LittleRunt
What Art said. I’m on my first cycle of prop, myself right now, and I’m positive my test is legit, and I get no injection pain, either. Later, however, I notice a deep muscle soreness that is slightly worse than my experience with enanthate. Still, nothing terrible. I did a quad shot yesterday, which is anathema to some guys, and I feel almost nothing there this morning.
Anyway if you are doing prop you should know within three to four days whether or not it’s real. You’ll “feel” it working.
Yes, this evening there’s a slight, deep soreness - but nothing much more than a annoying distraction, really. I’m going to alternate ventrogluteal left, then right then I’m going to quads, possibly glutes, then back to ventro. If needed I’ll move up to the shoulder. Since I’m only pinning 1.5cc, that should be fine.
Shots are MUCH easier than I anticipated, and I placed the vial in very warm water while I took a shower, so I think the warm gear helped, but who knows. I was like, “Okay, I have an inch long needle in my hip, and I ain’t feeling a thing?” At first I thought I must be doing something wrong but everything went off without a hitch.
Actually kind of looking forward to Thursday morning, my next injection date…LittleRunt
I am absolutely blown away by my gym performance. Is it at all possible that after barely two weeks I can feel the test prop working? Sat, Sun, Mon, and today I KICKED ASS at the gym, I mean really hit it out of the ballpark. Heavier weights than ever before, less fatigue during my workouts, although by the time i get home all i want to do is sleep. And I’m four pounds heavier. This is weird. Good, but weird. Just a little shocked is all.
Still no injection pain from the prop, although the soreness was worse after my last injection, but still no big thing. I think i miscalculated my injection site and was off by about an inch. we’ll see what happens tomorrow - injecting again. Day off from the gym, gonna come home from work and sleep.
Thanks for the follow-up. I’m kind of freaked out - in a good way - about this!
[quote]littlerunt wrote:
I am absolutely blown away by my gym performance. Is it at all possible that after barely two weeks I can feel the test prop working? Sat, Sun, Mon, and today I KICKED ASS at the gym, I mean really hit it out of the ballpark. Heavier weights than ever before, less fatigue during my workouts, although by the time i get home all i want to do is sleep. And I’m four pounds heavier. This is weird. Good, but weird. Just a little shocked is all.
Still no injection pain from the prop, although the soreness was worse after my last injection, but still no big thing. I think i miscalculated my injection site and was off by about an inch. we’ll see what happens tomorrow - injecting again. Day off from the gym, gonna come home from work and sleep.
Thanks for the follow-up. I’m kind of freaked out - in a good way - about this![/quote]
Hell yeah it’s possible and quite true. This is why it predominatly is used as a kickstart vs. orals in longer cycles of enan esters or similar. Mine kicked in after that first week too buddy. The stuff kicks ass, it’s just a lot of shots is all. Keep kicking ass in the gym bud, it only gets better for a good while yet…
My gym time truly is kicking ass. Really phenomenal. Kinda like I can’t get enough. All good things must come to an end, I realize - but this rocks and I’ll be sad to see it go. Enjoying the ride…LittleRunt
i always like to make a day of it. today i got up at about 5am… cooked some eggs and made some coffee. then i smoked a bowl and took a shower… when i got out i put on some intense mystical music and did my alcohol swab. filled my syringe and executed the plan. then i went to the gym and made all the grown men feel weak. i am the man