Hi everyone. Been lurking the forums for awhile
About to do my first cycle, however this is more intriguing question as having a slightly different approach to my first cycle.
21 years old, 5’8 178lbs just finished a mini cut sitting around 10% or under.
Been training for 7 years, but seriously so really learning nutrition and proper training consistently for nearly 4.
Want to take a very smart approach to my first cycle.
Wk 1-8 Test Prop @100mg EOD
Wk 9 Come off Test
Wk 10-13 Nolva at 40/40/20/20
Will have Arimadex on hand just in case but rather not use if not needed.
Reason for Test Prop is so it hits me fast and i would rather do a shorter cycle so less shutdown time. Less endocrine system risk in the long run. (Although a cycle simple and basic like this would be very minimal risks). I understand downside is more frequent pinning and have heard PIP frm prop hurts alot more? but to my understanding alot claim this is due to UGL stuff not being brewed optimally.
Also to note all my gear is Pharma so no UGL shiz
Greatly appreciate anyone’s feedback and advice. Constructive criticism is greatly appreciated too!
Thank you.