I just had blood work done and my total test came back at 1350. My free test is 500 (not a typo). My doctor is like what the hell??? My estradiol is 43 which is high…but ive started taking an AI in hopes it gets lowered.
any thoughts from you pros out there? I could provide a pic of the test if needed
Yeah my shbg is 2…So I figured that’s why the free t was so high. If I cut the dose in half, will I feel half as good or is there a point of free test where more is not better?
2, wow. That’s the lowest I’ve ever seen.
How do you feel now in terms of mood, outlook on life, erection strength, libido ?
What did you feel like before TRT ?
I have SHBG at 12 ad use 87mg per week which keep total T around 600 and Free around
160ish (top pf the range at quest). If I take more T, I make better gains in the gym but feel like
shit and lose the positive aspects of TRT. However, I’ve seen other guys with very high free T
claim that they feel wonderful…YMMV.
Do you have complete labs you can post ?
What is your current T dose ?
Attached is a copy of my results. My test intake is 200 cyp mg every 5-6 days. I find myself all over the place as far as mood goes…same can be said with libido. sometimes i can’t get enough, other times its a struggle. I do notice a difference if I work out consistently…being in a good place. If not i tend to go in a dark funk. thought it was my age 43 :/…My results in the gym are great.
So if my free test is too high, what if i cut way back and added another androgen like tren? Dont androgens themselves make you feel good? I dont want to lose muscle by cutting back test…what a head game? thanks
And my test has always been low normal until my late 20’s early 30’s…I was always grumpy, short tempered and went long periods without doing the deed and from there it got worse as i was always tired, in a fog, no memory finally was put on gels and they did not work for me. Injectable test has changed my life.
200mg E5D is 280mg/week. Why not just make it an even 200 and avoid over correction and possibly more complications? 200mg/week on an E5D schedule is 143mg.
Your blood work is pretty rough.
Are you self medicating, or is this through a Dr ?
Your RBC, HEMO, and HEMATACRIT are all flagged as high, and are at
levels that can lead to stroke. You need to give blood ASAP, and every 8
weeks there after.
Cut your T dose back to a max of 75mg per week, inject m-w-f 25mg each time.
Get bloodwork again after three weeks of this protocol. At that time you
can re post new bloodwork, and figure out if you need an AI or not.
At the lower dose you will still make gains in the gym, you’ll still have
to work for them, but they will come far faster than pre TRT.
Androgens don’t make you feel good, a balanced T to E2 ratio can make you feel
positive, and alleviate the grumpy disposition caused by E2 dominance.
Whatever you do, don’t mess around with TREN, it has no place in a TRT context and
can really F you up…even if you know what you’re doing.
Get your TRT dialed in and go from there.
280 mg cyp is pretty high for TRT from that I’ve read here. I was on 200/week, and had T levels outside the ranges but not as high as yours. I cut back to 150 voluntarily, divided in 3 doses/week. Now I’m right at the high end of the range and feel great.
My hematocrit has always been high even when my test was low. The additional testosterone has not changed my levels. I give blood every 3 months. I’m prescribed 200mg every 7 days. I’ve been on this protocol for a couple years now and my levels have never been this high. I’ll reduce the amount significantly and see what happens.
[quote]ccrom wrote:
Seekonk, what would you suggest 100 mg …? [/quote]
C27 H40 O3 is with my line of thinking. I would expect to see those TT on 300 mg. Seekonk is right about a cut back but I think too much and it’s going to turn into a YO-YO show.
The Test Cyp you have been taking will take some time to come down. I would go with 100 mg 2x a week, it’s nice and steady. Give it a month and see how you feel.
Another drastic option is to ground the plane. Ow someone will flame me for this but I have done it. Go a week or two without an injection and see how you feel. It will clear the Test out faster and you should feel a bottom. Then start back up running 200 mg a week. I know it contradicts my previous statement but the change should be quicker and easier to react to.
DoubleL, with all due respect…200mg/wk for a guy with a SHBG of 2 is like using a shotgun
to kill an ant.
We agree on a cut back, I was thinking just not so much. I can see where you are coming from though. One thing I think can not be argued is getting the Hemo down. I’m big on changing the oil at least twice a year and four under normal conditions is better. PKNY, we are not far apart on this one.
Most I’ve seen online with low SHBG can get by with around 100mg a week and still be at the top of the Free T range, myself included. Yours is the lowest I’ve seen, but that could be because of the large T dose. I would do what PKNY suggested and see where you end up.