Test Injection with 5/8 Needle?

Started my first cycle this morning, some clen and 200/mg of Test of a week.

Had everything being taken care of and infront of me except the proper syringes. Went to the store and picked up some 25 guage 5/8 needles (Didn’t realize wrong length needle) Got home and decided I was impatient and went ahead and did my first injection into my delt, figured with a shorter needle I would need to hit a more dense muscle. Asked some of the veterans I know who are mentoring me they said there wouldn’t be much of a problem but next time around grab a longer length.

Was looking for a second opinion, tried to google as much as I could but not much came up; will my injection still hold ground? I’m not feeling any of the symptoms post injection as I thought I would, my shoulder not hurting much is whats making me think I did something improper because I’ve heard test burns pretty strongly the first time. Someone please clear up this confusion

Properly constructed injectable testosterone should not hurt. Some people feel pain from the prop ester regardless of the chemicals used but pain should not be expected. Usually pain is a sign of dirty gear or high BA and/or BB.

5/8th is ok for delts but 1" would be better. 1.5" is best for glutes.

Okay just wanted to make sure I didn’t make a huge mistake, next monday I will use 1.5 in my glutes for my second injection. Just really surprised how smooth the first went, arm numbness is very low just like getting a flu shot.

Youre injecting once a week? May want to do a bit of research on blood levels and half lives.

Eh nm. Do what you want. I’m sure you have “people” guiding you

[quote]BONEZ217 wrote:
Youre injecting once a week? May want to do a bit of research on blood levels and half lives.

Eh nm. Do what you want. I’m sure you have “people” guiding you[/quote]

Are you trying to be constructive or condecending? I disagree with the injecting once a week aswell atleast from what I’ve read as far as blood levels are concerned but I’m only following what I’ve been told.

[quote]SwoleSomeday wrote:
Are you trying to be constructive or condecending? I disagree with the injecting once a week aswell atleast from what I’ve read as far as blood levels are concerned but I’m only following what I’ve been told. [/quote]

Who told you to inject once a week?

[quote]SwoleSomeday wrote:

[quote]BONEZ217 wrote:
Youre injecting once a week? May want to do a bit of research on blood levels and half lives.

Eh nm. Do what you want. I’m sure you have “people” guiding you[/quote]

Are you trying to be constructive or condecending? I disagree with the injecting once a week aswell atleast from what I’ve read as far as blood levels are concerned but I’m only following what I’ve been told. [/quote]

I’m obviously trying to be constructive. But your reply shows exactly why I didn’t want to get into it.

Do I really need to make the “if you were told to jump off a bridge” analogy here?

People like you seem to take criticism as a negative instead of a positive. I’m not sure why. I find it even more strange that you think what youre doing is not optimal but choose to do it anyway.

Getting it from a former powerlifting coach I used to train with in highschool, he told me for my bodytype(Weighing 300 pounds at 25ish bodyfat) that I only want to run a little test while trying to cut while stacking clen. Honestly i’m willing to scrap everything hes told me as its contradictory with what i’m hearing, just need to know how often I should inject now. In 3 weeks i’m going to up my dosage perhaps and stack with another anabolic while I try to harden my gains

The point is it can only help by increasing injection frequency. Split your dose in half and do it twice a week. Simple as pie.

At your bodyfat, well, frankly I’d just adopt a good diet and perhaps run EC 3x a day (20/200), or perhaps YHCL first thing in the morning, rather than the anabolic approach. Yeah, you’ll lose a little more muscle but you can limit your losses if you’re smart. Or stick to the plan that you’re on now. But either way you should save the higher dose cycles until you’ve dropped considerable BF. I assume this guy advised you to either cycle on and off the clen every few weeks, or to use ketotifen to upregulate your B2-adrenergic receptors…