Did my first ever injection a minute ago. In my glute.
I’m an idiot and didn’t aspirate becasue I pulled back on the winged part of the syringe, didn’t realize that was the immovable part >.>
I assumed at the time, I had really weak fingers. Noob mistake
Anyway, it stung for the first 1/4 an inch I put in but I felt nothing for the rest of the inch. I am going to buy 1.25 inch neeedles next time, can’t find 1.5s
I barely feel anything now, I can even squat and feel no pain.
If I hit the fat was this shot wasted, is there any way i can be sure it went to the muscle?
Thanks guys.
Also another question aboutn the syringe. When measuring how many ml to draw, I take it back to the black line closest to the needle right? Becasue this part of the syringe also has a triangular poity bit and I suppose (though unlikely) that it could be measured from the tip of that point. or even less likely the lowest part of the black bit.