[quote] Brook wrote:
Aromasin is a fine AI for use during your cycle to prevent aromatisation of estrogen from the high test. It, along with Arimidex or Letrozole can be used to help recovery post cycle.
Clomid and nolvadex both help to stimulate the HPTA a little, and both by the same means i believe.
Many suggest that clomid is better for recovery and nolva is better for estrogen blocking, but in reality it is a personal preference.
Many seem to find Clomiphene to hold unpleasant emotional side effects - Nolva is my preference… cheaper, lower doses needed (thus no emo problems) and just as effective. Both is not necessary.
There is no issue with using the clomid other than the fact you are wasting money, using too much of an estrogen (yes, an estrogen…) than is necessary, and Clomid alone is known to cause mood swings and emotional upset due to dose - so adding further SERM will not be a great idea… not to mention the fact that no SERM is even needed due to the Aromasin!
Why does it only make sense to run an AI the last 2 weeks of the cycle and into recovery? Why not throughout to keep estrogen controlled? Estrogen is necessary for growth and health in the Male. But it is not necessary to have it elevated even a little, but it definitely will if you inject Testosterone.
It is estrogen that causes negative feedback, and AFAIK this is the reason that AI’s and SERM’s both stimulate the recovery of a suppressed HPTA - and why it is unnecessary to use 3 different drugs that are doing very similar things.
I could understand an AI and a SERM - although it isnt common, and only one is just as effective - but an AI and 2 SERM’s is simply throwing everything at the problem due to not knowing the correct method to use. It is not educated, it is wasting money, drugs and it is also unhealthy.
You DO know that aromasin will NOT be stimulating LH production during your cycle or in the 2 weeks following it dont you? It reads to me that you are trying to recover before you have dropped the exogenous androgen level in your body…
It is like using Test Acetate, Prop and Phenylprop to make sure it works! No…
A little knowledge can be a dangerous thing.
Ok scratch the the double serm idea, in fact I’m glad. I don’t even want to deal with possibility of these emo sides while on clomid. I think the cycle is now in place(I think I’m going to run 400mg of test instead of 500mg), now I’m still unsure about the PCT. I tend to be a bit paranoid/ocd when it comes to everything.
The Aromasin is a good bit more expensive than some Arimidex, but from what I’ve read about it it seems to be a much better drug. I can obtain 30 25mg doses of Aromasin for about 80 bucks. However I can obtain 30mg of Arimidex for about 60 bucks. That in mind, I would have no problem running the Adex throughout the cycle and also during PCT.
Now as to why I’m leaning toward the Aromasin. For one it doesn’t have a negative affect on lipid profiles and doesnt casuse any sort of joint pain(some of the issues with Adex.
Furthermore since Aromasin is a type 1 inhibitor rather than a type 2, it acts by directly making the estrogen ineffective whereas the Adex stops test to estrogen conversion. In addition Adex has a negative effect on nolvas effectiveness, so that would also be a problem.
The reason I’d prefer to run both an AI and a serm during PCT, is because the Nolva/Clomid will not doing anything to reduce estrogen levels it will simply be preventing receptor bondage. But the Aromasin will indeed reduce the levels directly, so a double whammy effect ;).
So at this point, the clomid is out. So I guess now what I’m trying to decide is whether the possible benefit of running adex throughout my cycle outweighs the benefit of running the aromasin only when needed during my cycle(IE a gyno flare up) and definitely during my PCT(which it seems to be very good for).
At this point this is what I’m probably going to do, as one of my friends is going to be running the same cycle. I think I’ll buy both.
I’ll run .25mg of Adex EOD during the cycle, starting week 3 of the cycle until completion. Then I will run 20mg Aromasin as well as Nolva for PCT. So brook, here its how its looking.
weeks 1-10 Test Cyp at 400mg(Do you think that 100mg is going to make a difference?)
weeks 1-9 EQ at 400mg (frontloading the EQ)
weeks 1-4 50mg Var ED
same supplements to aid during the cycle
weeks 3-10 .25mg Adex EOD, possibly up it to .5mg if need be.
wait 10 days then begin PCT which will be:
weeks 1/2/3/4/5
Nolva 40/20/20/20/10 (week 5 is tentative)
Aromasin 20/20/x/x/x
Ultimate goal is to gain and keep 15lbs and up strength. At the moment
6’ 1/2 inch 178lbs sub 10%bf
current lifts:
bench 270—> 315+
squat 285—> 315+
deadlift 425—> high 400’s
I think I can do this with the cycle.
(I lift 3-4 days a week)
chest/tri I’ll also do some forearm/calf work on this day
back/bi(dumbell deadlifts as a supplement to legs as well on this day)
legs(squats, leg, press, lunges, extensions, jump squats)
shoulders/traps(clean and presses incorporated on this day, as well as calves, forearm work)
Train Thai Boxing 3-4 days a week
Grapple 2-3 days a week
If everything looks good to you guys, I should be starting this early January and I will keep a log. Any more advice is greatly appreciated, thanks.
oh could anyone pm me a site to possibly get the Adex and Aromasin something youve used before, thanks.