Firstly, blood lab colected on 8/8/8 @ 8:26 am:
Glucose (fasting) 4.9 nmol/L (3.9-5.5)
Albumin 45 g/L (35-51)
Triglycerides 0.35 mmol/L (0.5-2.6)
Total Cholesterol 5.77 mmol/L
LDL 2.72 mmol/L
HDL 2.89 mmol/L
Total Cholesterol/HDL 2.0 mmol/L
C-Reactive Protein 2.2 mg/L (0-10)
TSH 1.74 mU/L (0.4-4.5)
Free T3 4.3 pmol/L (2.8-7.1)
Prolactin 4.6 ug/L (2.7-16.9)
Estradiol 59 pmol/L (Adult male 55-165)
Progesterone 9.0 nmol/L (0.1-5.3)
A.M. Cortisol 679 nmol/L (138-690)
Testosterone Total 11.2 nmol/L (7.37-23.08)
Testosterone Free 115 pmol/L (163-508)
Testosterone Bioavailable 2.91 nmol/L (3.94-12.31)
SHBG 79.7 nmol/L (10.5-50.4)
Insulin (fasting) 68.6 pmol/L (40-100)
PSA 0.2 ug/L (0-4)
Dhea-sulfate (not ready yet)
IGF 1 (not ready yet)
Needless to say my testosterone numbers are in the toilet and my SHBG is elevated as usual. Progesterone was a surprise as I don’t often test it.
I talked to my Doc about the results and he said that the elevated progesterone is actually good. He said it protects against estrogen and is a precursor to cortisone.
He said that my somewhat elevated cortisol level was a good sign too since I was a little stressed out fasting and waiting quite a while for my blood to be drawn after commuting for an hour or so on public transit. He said this shows my adrenals are working well. Cortisol is also supposed to be higher in the morning than in the evening.
I broached the topic of him prescribing testosterone and he suggested I try - GET THIS - PROVIRON. He said he couldn’t prescribe it for me because it is not available in Canada, but he said I should get it at the gym and it is perfectly safe and extremely effective at combatting high SHBG at 25-75 mg/day.
Needless to say I was somewhat shocked. He said that after 3 months if I am not satisfied with that treatment, we could look at testosterone. He believes in HRT, not bodybuilding levels. Plus he said that the proviron does not interfere with LH and FSH nor aromatize so it is a perfect solution for me.
He said that I should check ALT and AST liver enzyme levels every once in a while during ingestion of Proviron but didn’t expect any issues at 25-75 mg per day.
My doc specializes in hormones. He regularly attends conferences where he brainstorms with the likes of Eugene Shippen (author - The Testosterone Syndrome) and Thierry Hurtoghe (Author - The Hormone Solution).
So now if I want to do this cycle before starting on continual HRT, I will need to find another source for the test enth.