I have noticed that you have a decent understanding of endocrinology - but this doesn’t mean you have an understanding of AAS application. I now see why i find endo’s frustratingly naive on the subject (you aren’t THAT bad don’t worry). Simply because they are two very different yet related subjects.
I guess it is similar to asking a health nutritionist about optimal dieting for a show! it ain’t happening! Anyway…
Estrogen is high as you know due to the aromatase. When we stop a cycle then the Androgen level drops faster than the Estrogen level - this is when E becomes the dominant hormone and the regular issues occur.
You are correct in that the E will not stay elevated for ever, but long enough to cause issue to start with… and as it lowers, T does not rise proportionately. So then one finds oneself in a position where E and T is low (E isn’t so low as to bottom out AFAIK, and what is more important than the individual levels is the ratio of the hormones).
So post cycle many find that libido is low due primarily to the test level. The estrogen will also affect this in the beginning but it is the Test that is the long lasting evil here. The higher estrogen level will affect emotions, bodyfat, gynecomastia… the normal shit we love.
You SHOULD know that Prolactin is released post orgasm and is one of the reasons for the sexually satisfied feelings and inability to repeat the exercise immediately.
You should also know that the higher the E level, the higher Prolactin will raise - so don’t assume that if you haven’t used a progestone that you won’t get a raised prolactin level. You still can.
Of course all these evils can be avoided with the intelligent use of an Aromatase Inhibitor.
As for your Proviron plan. Nah - don’t do it.
Proviron has been shown in some studies that it does not inhibit the HPTA in doses around 50-75mg/day. However IIRC these studies were done in men who had fully functioning HPTA’s to begin with - so i for one personally expect the outcome to be vastly different in someone with a suppressed axis already.
If you DO want to try it - i would say try 25-50mg a day, but TBH be wary of a reduced ability to recover.
The best plan is to expedite recovery… this would be done by doing as many of the following as possible:
Use AI on cycle.
Use short acting drugs (at least towards the end of the cycle).
Transfer to PCT ASAP.
Use SERM during PCT
Avoid long periods of suppression - IMO <8wks.
Use HCG during the cycle upto beginning PCT.
Use Cabergoline with Progestins.
You could try 0.25mg caber 2x/wk during PCT - it should assist libido
As for bloods - you can order saliva tests online that are discreet and anonymous too. They are like $100 off the top of my head and after my many run-ins with the NHS, i will be adding them to my Favourites i think.
(FWIW - I know that many drugs are not as suppressive as many think - myself included at one time too - for example Dianabol can be used for a whole cycle and still allow a small trickle of Test to be produced - not to mention the very short half life allowing recovery to begin the same day as cessation. Think about it like this - A decent dose of Dbol is 30mg a day over 6 weeks (1260mg)… this is often a TOTAL dose equivalent to 2 weeks on Test! If you were to use Test Suspension for 6 weeks at 30mg a day [shot in the AM also] i am pretty confident that recovery would be as easy. ESPECIALLY if this was ran alongside AI, SERM and a little HCG…)
Thats all the main shit i can think of right now -