Test and Tren Cycle

Just started Monday my cycle of, test e and tren.

Not counting my PCT or HCG or AIs I wanted input on what you guys think of my doses on the 2

Test e, 500 a week
Tren, 300 a week (slow release)

I break it down into Monday,Wednesday,Friday.

If you think I need to up something or lower something or if that sounds good to you I’d like to know!

(Current weight 187 and 5’11 if it matters…)

what does ‘slow release’ mean? Do you mean Tren E, rather than tren A?

Honestly, you’ve given us basically nothing to go by here. if you said said ‘750 test, 300 tren’ then that would have been fine. if you said 500 test, 500 tren, that would be fine. There are a zillion things that can be fine, it’s all personal preference. Cycle history is also relevant, there’s no way to know if this is a reasonable cycle for YOU without knowing anything about you.

Yeah I meant Tren E but was having a brain fart and couldn’t remember…:sweat_smile:

But okay makes sense! It’s my first cycle with Tren. I heard 300 was a good start for it. But I wasn’t quiets sure about the test so I wanted to put both doses together to see people’s thoughts or previous first time Tren cycles just to get an idea before I do the rest of my cycle so I can adjust a tiny bit if needed.

Have you run Tren before? I hope you did your homework on the sides.

that makes sense then. Your cycle is good for your experience level. That’s a good conservative dose to work with.

Tren E is an entirely different animal from Tren A. 300mg per week will be sufficient for making strong improvements in your physique, but not so high that the sides will be unmanageable. The same dose of Tren A would be a much more… substantial dose. You’d notice the effects more. And the side effects.

Well if read some of the sides but I don’t remember them being terrible? Or I don’t think they are terrible? What’s more to the sides other then rage? My buddy said that was really his only problem. And yeah I figured for my experience 300mg was a starting point! Thought about doing 750 test just cuz my bottles are 250 so it’s just easier measuring wise to just do 1 cc every 3 days but I just went with 500

I ran 400/week with 600 test and I had terrible night sweats to the point of staining my sheets, my blood sugar would drop unexpectedly and I would get light headed and apparently it made me have some kind of anxiety. My wife said it made me smell like sugar, my breath and my sweat. Either way, my wife hated me on it.

P.S. In spite of those sides, I fucking loved the way it made me feel. Like I was 18 again and could eat anything and train like crazy, etc.

Lol that sucks cuz I already get hot as shot at night :joy: and yeah I told my fiancé she’s not gonna like the rage! Punched a beam in wall and broke my pinky knuckle over the summer haha!! Not doing that again!

But yeah I’m pretty okay with the sides!
How long did it take for you to notice the tren kickin in?
Gain wise and sides wise?

Hard to say, it was about 3 years ago. I was running Tren Eth. I think I started feeling changes pretty soon. Maybe a couple of weeks. I just remember I couldn’t get enough to eat! I was eating cereal, candy, whatever i could get my hands on and I was still cutting fat.

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So. Wise tip would be basically eat anything and everything haha.

No I’m trying to keep it clean but we will see how long that lasts!

If you are aware of the possible issues with tren then yeah 300 a week seems like a reasonable starting point.
When you said slow release I thought tren hex (it is the longest half life), there are three common esters of tren and hex was actually approved for humans in France way back when.
Some folks might suggest you use tren Ace for your first dance so if you react or the sides go nuts you can stop injecting and the esters will clear quickly. The flip side is tren enanthate doesn’t seem to have the laundry list of sides like ace does but if you do get sides then it takes weeks to clear your system.

There is some advice I would like to pass on that I gained from my experience with then. Go get vitamin B6 and take 600 mgs a day. It helps with keeping the progesterone / prolactin sides away. Even though tren is dry it is more likely to give you progesterone gyno vs Deca, both are progestenic. You would think Deca being a wet compound would be the one more likely to give you progesterone issues but tren actually is way more likely. I think it has to do with how strongly it binds to the receptors.

I also have the horrible night sweats on it, that side seems consistent weather you are using ace, enan, or hex. Not a lot you can do except sleep on a towel and have a spare sheet by the bed. When you wake up wet just take the old top sheet and towel off then use a new dry top sheet, the sheet on the matress under the towel should hopefully still be dry. I think your body automatically wakes you up once you get through the initial super sweating stage. Later in the cycle you might soak through two or even three towel and sheet sets per night or that’s at least how my cycles tend to go.

I also notice the blood sugar on it. I just get a bottle of Coca-Cola and when I get the cravings I just take a sip or two, I use that methode at home. A 20 oz bottle can last me two to three days depending. The other one I use if I am at work or out in public, I get jolly ranchers. You can keep them in a pocket and one piece seems to be enough sugar to keep me ok during the time between meals. Any little candy should work, something like a candy bar I would end up eating more than just enough to not get light headed and lethargic.

Anyways good luck and keep your eyes open for sides. Tren can be a bitch but I love it!

Cool thanks man I’ll keep that sugar thing in mind I don’t think I would of thought of that! But I do have a powder supplement that’s 26grams of carbs and it’s basically all dextros! But I might try your methods too!

But yeah I just couldn’t think of what tren it wa so was drawin a blank. It was early lol. I just knew it wasn’t ace lol! But yeah like I said I wanted to go to 750 test and 300 tren but I’m also gonna do a cruise after so I wasn’t to worried about going up with my test. My cruise should last like 8-10 weeks I believe. And this cycle should be like… 12-14… maybe 16 but I doubt it