Test 400 Newbie advice.

Hey Ladies/Gents,
Ive been sitt9ng on a 20 week cycle of test 400. I have no idea how.much to.inject or what to expect. Im 50, very fit but I wamt to be more shredded. Any advice on dosage, what to expext and how to deal with side effects would be really helpful. Ive got some Clomid and also Tamoxifen.

No test 400 needed! Using AAS to lose weight is just a waste of testosterone, unless you’re like super lean and muscled already and just wanting to go to low single digit BF%.

Probably try something for appetite maybe? I don’t encourage stims or Clen usuage usually.

At your age, do you have blood work? Is there a need to be on TRT maybe?

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Hey Mate I guess my parlance is a little outdated so what I mean is I’m fit but I want to build muscle and be stacked. So is Test400 good stuff and what is a safe dose to take? Ive never used any TRT so all new to me and I want results as anyone would.
Getting my bloods done is a grest suggestion as I have no idea what my test levels are and at 50, they have to be lower. Thanks for the advice so far.

No, that’s gonna be PIP-city, esp for virgin muscle

Safe depends on your goals, your health, your heart, and your tolerance for risk. You have to assess the potential negatives with the potential gainz. If it were my first time with a cycle, and I was a healthy person going into it, and had a plan to track my BP and lipids while on cycle, I’d think 400mg weekly is a decent start.

Ok so what does PIP mean? Is Test 400 a bad choice or should I try something else?

It means it’s gonna hurt like hell as it is a high concentration.

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Post injection pain