Hi guys, I just joined up today after reading through countless posts over the last few weeks.
I am thinking of starting a 10 week cycle of supertest 400. 400mg/week (200mg tues/fri)
I have a slight worry. I am currently taking Ritalin for ADHD, does anyone know of how this could affect things for me? I haven’t found much help online regarding this. My blood pressure whilst on medication is actually still perfectly fine, but I was wondering if doing a test cycle could increase this somewhat?
I have also heard that supertest 400 is quite painful? Although the guy I’m getting it off has had no problems & said that if I inject slowly etc that it shouldn’t be too much of an issue
I’ve been training on and off for about 5 years, but have stepped my training up as strict as possible these last 12 months. I am currently working out 5 times per week:
Monday - Legs: Squats (6 x 6)
Leg Press (4 x 8)
Leg Curl ( 4 x 8)
Seated Calf Raise (4 x 15)
Donkey Calf Raise (4 x 15)
Leg Extention (4 x 8)
Tuesday - Chest: Flat DB/BB Bench (4 x 8)
Incline DB/BB Bench (4 x 8)
Decline DB/BB Bench (4 x 8)
Dumbell Flies (4 x 8)
Dips (4 x ??)
Tricep cable pulldowns (4 x 8)
Wednesday - Back: Pull ups (4 x as many as I can do)
Seated Row (4 x 8)
Lat Pull down close grip (4 x 8)
Wide Grip Row (rhoms/traps etc) - (4 x 8)
Shrugs (4 x 8)
Thursday - REST
Friday - Repeat Tuesday (from Barbell > Dumbell)
& throw in some shoulder work: Lateral raises, front raises
Saturday - Repeat Wednesday
Sunday OFF
My Diet has been as strict as I could get it… Though recently I have had a couple of cheats (2 in the last 3 months), but mainly to put on a bit of mass as I am now struggling to put on more size.
A typical day I have about 3600 calories. 40% protein 30% carbs, 30% fats. I am also currently using creatine Mono.
I’m definitely a n00b regarding test/aas cycles but I have read up as much as possible. With regards to PCT on this cycle, will chlomid only suffice? Or would I need something like Nolva (20mg ed) as well? Would something like HCGenerate be of any benefit?
I have ordered some 23g 1 1/4 inch needles & 2cc syringes, would 23g be ok to extract?
Very sorry if I have missed anything, I’ll edit etc if need be.