Hi guys, Just a quick question…first some current stats and previous cycles.
215lbs 12%BF Clean Bulking cycle, 5.5 years lifting, previous cycle experience is listed below:
1 - 10 weeks test enanthate 500mg/week + 4 week dbol kickstart@35mg/day PCT clomid/nolv (2011)
2 - 10 weeks sus 250 500mg/week anadrol kickstart 50mg/day nolva/clomid PCT (2012)
3- 12 weeks test prop 100mg/ml eod, anavar 50mg a day first 6 weeks HCG PCT (January - end March 2013)
4 - current cycle - Test 400 (150 cyp 150 enanth 100 decanoate) 1ml every 4th day
PCT on hand - (started 10th November 2013) aiming for a 12 week cycle!
Note - (using an ECA stack throughout for fat burning!)
I want to add in some Tren Ace, but due to my source I can’t get any in until the end of December. At which by that point I will already be 7 weeks into my cycle! Is it worth adding Tren Ace into the cycle for the last 5 weeks?(weeks 8,9,10,11+12)?? Or would you wait until PCT os over with, have some off time, then do tren and test at together from scratch?
A buddy of mine is running a cyle now with 400. He says it burns like a bitch. He’s doing 1ML weekly in the glutes with 23g 1.5’s would it be better to just drop that into EOD .25ml pins in the quad V with slins to reduce the burn from the prop & alcohol thats in the T400? Im just thinking theres gotta be a less painful way to run that shit…
[quote]thehebrewhero wrote:
A buddy of mine is running a cyle now with 400. He says it burns like a bitch. He’s doing 1ML weekly in the glutes with 23g 1.5’s would it be better to just drop that into EOD .25ml pins in the quad V with slins to reduce the burn from the prop & alcohol thats in the T400? Im just thinking theres gotta be a less painful way to run that shit… [/quote]
Heat up and Filter a few ml of Grapeseed Oil. Then add .5ml of the filtered oil for every ml of 400 your going to inject. Bam pain free T400 and good to go.