Test 400, Tren Ace, Dbol Cycle

Hello all, I was looking for some input on my current cycle and things I can improve on in the future.

Dianabol: 40mg/day week 1-5
Tren ACE: 50mg/ MWF week 1-10
TEST 400: 200mg/ MWF week 2-10
Nolva whenever needed.

Pct: Nolva 40 40 20 20 and Chlomid 50 50 50 50 (week 11-14)

 i'm 24 years oldf 5-8" 158 pounds, have been training since high school and maintain a steady meal regiment (sometimes impefect but very good compared to many) .  This is my 4th cycle, first just d-bol, second test 400 then prop, thirs test enth then 400 and d-bol.

The only reason test is week 2-10 and not started at the same time as the tren a is simply because it was supposto be delivered with the rest and I decided I would like to see what tren felt like solo since its my first time with it. 
  • I will be front loading my test for the first week at 400mg MWF to get my levels caught up.

    I am a week and a day in and will be getting my test tomorrow but have gained 3 pounds so far, just looking to expand my knowledge of the game and how I can push my results to the next level!!

I’m sorry for the things people are about to say to you.

Your diet and training suck if you are still that small after multiple cycles. Look to your diet and training first not drugs.

You could easily be bigger with/without drugs, but at least you have a lean base. Look to up your calories a bit and check your training is consistently progressing. The cycle itself should be ok, but you could do with an AI - arimidex is favoured round here it seems, though aromasin is another good option.
If your goal is bodybuilding, you should really gain a lot more size - diet/training MUST be up to standard.

[quote]ShrunkNuts69 wrote:
I’m sorry for the things people are about to say to you.[/quote]


made my day !! xD

you cycle sux and as does your training and diet.