Tennis Fans, Anyone?

Curios if there are any tennis fans out there? I am a casual fan(don’t play) but am amazed at what Nadal has accomplished.

I’m a fan. I used to think Nadal could only win on clay and that he’d never be one of the true greats. I was very wrong.

Is it really worth anything if you don’t look good doing it? Nadal has an ugly pounding style, is a lefty, and wore fucking capris pants for half his career.

Federer on the other hand never appeared to be trying very hard, floated around the court, and dressed as though he were royalty. He was way more enjoyable to watch IMO… and also super humble and insanely nice.

Djoker looks like skeletor and seems like an arrogant asshole who puts on a nice face. He also looks like he tries way too hard. But at least he never wore capris.

I’d say 22 career grand slams and pretty much no one would seem to care, let alone him.

Dude looks nothing like Skeletor. Skeletor puts in the work, he could step on stage. People always doing him dirty by comparing him to skinny dudes.


IDK man, something about his face tells me he injects synthroid. That or he’s got a REALLY lean face. Like 0% BF lean.

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Can’t get any leaner really. The jaw definition is on point.

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Shredded as fuark bro

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