Ok, so in the past 3 weeks I’ve noticed an increasing pain in my elbows. Both of them. I can’t do any upper body work without pain, any lower body stuff is very limited (can’t do any type of squat). so i’m at the end of a week off right now. To me it felt like a bone thing, so I’ve been icing/resting/heating it alot…and taking some glucosamine 2000mg/day.
My g/f diagnosed it as tennis elbow (yes she’s qualified to do so) but I’ve never picked up a racket.
Has anyone ever had this problem? If so what did you do? How long did it last?
Suggestions? I really wanna get back to training for powerlifting!!!
General Answer: Back off on your weights about 10-15% and slow your reps the hell down. Hard to do for a powerlifter I know, but you will have to for at least a few, maybe several, weeks.
Definitely go see an orthopedic / sports medicine doctor to confirm what’s wrong.
[quote]B rocK wrote:
Ok, so in the past 3 weeks I’ve noticed an increasing pain in my elbows. Both of them. I can’t do any upper body work without pain, any lower body stuff is very limited (can’t do any type of squat). so i’m at the end of a week off right now. To me it felt like a bone thing, so I’ve been icing/resting/heating it alot…and taking some glucosamine 2000mg/day.
My g/f diagnosed it as tennis elbow (yes she’s qualified to do so) but I’ve never picked up a racket.
Has anyone ever had this problem? If so what did you do? How long did it last?
Suggestions? I really wanna get back to training for powerlifting!!![/quote]
Tennis elbow is just another name for tendentious\tendennosis. I have heard it called golf elbow too. Those elbow wrap/brace things I was wearing the other day work really well.
They don’t alleviate the pain completely when I flat bench, but they feel a lot better and I don’t really feel it on OH and incline anymore. They also alleviates the pain from heavy squats. I picked them up at Wegmans for like 6 bucks a piece.
[quote]Pemdas wrote:
Also, don’t do any speed work ( at least for bench) for a while. Definitely no bands or chains. I find that speed work kills my elbows. [/quote]
Yeah, good plan man. I’ll be back at the gym next week…probably doing alot less weight and feeling like a huge pu$$y. haha. see ya then.
If it is on the inside it would be considered Golfers elbow. Either way the forearm wraps really only help in preventing further damage. The best thing that I have found is to simply rest the elbow. Tennis/Golfers elbow can be one of the most frustrating injuries to have and the best treatment is rest and and anti-inflammatory.
Pay close attention to form and the exercises you are doing because it can be easily aggravated again and you will have to start over again. I’ve been dealing with this for 2+ years now and it sucks…