Noob here who just got done with Rippetoe’s due to stalling lifts and a bad recovery ability. Did it for over 3 or 4 months. Going to start the texas method as posted at
My immediate goals are strength and size.
The purpose of the log is to record my numbers and allow me to check back or link others to it in case I stall, have some abnormality, or need some kind of help. As it is more complex than rippetoe’s, If i don’t write my lifts down regularly I know I will forget them, and I would rather write them down here on a computer than in a journal.
Starting numbers
5’11, ~165lbs, probably 10-12%bf (Depending on lighting I can ab outlines unflexed and can see them fairly clearly flexed, but I do have some fat on my lower stomach)
back squat: 3x5x225
deadlift: 1x5x260
db bench: 3x5x60’s
db shoulder press: 3x5x40’s
bb row: 3x5x120
In the program outlined on stronglifts bb bench and bb military press are used but I have changed those to dumbells (despite warning that it is harder to increase regularly) because barbell presses give me shoulder pains. The program also includes dips, but I did those and my shoulders felt fine, I will just keep above parallel on those. Squats have been changed to front squats, I have been feeling some sharp pain in my legs that I will describe later as well as a stiff back, and I feel front squats may be better for me to do.
My first workout went well (no pains anywhere), will include it in my next post after I eat some food and get back from kung fu.