I’m 43, and have to “baby” my triceps elbow tendons by using light weights. This prevents me from gaining any size. Cy Willson had a good routine for recovering from this, but in my particular situation it produced minimal results. The best results I’ve seen have come from rolling my elbow around on a hard flat surface (desk) several times per day. Turns out this has some science behind it (Proteoglycan synthesis in fetal tendon is differentially regulated by cyclic compression in vitro, Evanko SP, Vogel KG, Arch Biochem Biophys 1993 Nov 15;307(1):153-64). At first it’s painful, but by the 3rd day it’s not. I’ve read that aging causes excess crossliking in collagen fibers. Would bromelain help or would it also break down normal collagen?