Alright so ive been hitting the weights pretty hard for a few years. I’m training for 2 powerlifting competetions and 3 combines this spring. I’m powercleaning one day and all the sudden my elbows just start aching and it only got worse. I went to the doc, he told me it was tendonitis.
I iced it took my anit-inflams and even seen the chiro. I took a full week off and the pain seemed to go away a bit. It’s mainly on the outside of my elbows. SO ive been taking fish oils and triflex and i went back to lifting today and it hurt quite a bit while benching and i couldnt even do extensions. I tried some of those elbow straps but they didnt cut it.
I did all kinds of research on this and checked all the stuff out on this site about it. So you guys have any ideas on what i should do besides just take time off. Because every day counts and i dont have much time. I sure hope you guys can help me out a bit.
…while long term this probably isn’t the best advice… i did it and it may help you…i was deeling with some tendonitis on the insides of my elbow, while i probably SHOULD have just taken time off…i took like… 3 or 4 extra strength ibuprofen, and, had a red bull+creatine pre-workout…definitely not advocating this as the best idea…but…doing that…combined with a GOOD WARMUP… got me through my workouts relatively pain-free…
again, long-term…take time off…but…if you’re in a crunch for time…you MAY just wanna pump in some pain killers… and some red bull etc. (to even out the supressent side effects of the pills)…and go at it (you may even be able to get a doctors prescription for t3’s…though, you’d probably have to lie a little bit for that
I agree back off on any bvery direct work that putsd the elbows in a volnerable position. Up your fish oils and for sure get a rubber band and work the hell out of your extensors I think it is You simply wrap a rubber band around your fingers and press out did and does wonders for my tendonitis.
ALso eccentric only training slow negatives SLOW and stay tight.
here is how your condition may progress. From my experience - first I found that I could’nt do EZ bar curls in comfort, then I found I could’nt dochins then pullups, then it was cleans and high pulls that I had to give away because no matter how much heat I rubbed into the forearm and elbow, and how many ibrufen I took, the discomfot would always return and each and each workout became limited in what I could do.
You ever go to the gym and you see guys that are wrapped up like a mummy and do a few tentative benches and maybe some light dumbell work because that is all their bodies allow them to do. If you want to be a life-long lifter, then rest for at least 2-4 weeks. I did this fearing I would atrophy overnight - I did’nt, actually felt stronger and started slowly on those exercises that were causing me problems.
Along with the rest I wore a tennis elbow brace everyday, massaged heat into the forearm 2xday, and stretched using the exercises found on various web-sites. Look at it this way, if you want to lift for 20plus years (yes you do), is 4 weeks rest going to kill you.
Get ART but DON’T TRY TO WORK THROUGH IT! I did and have been out of competition for over two years and am just now (hopefully) getting over it. While that is a worst case scenario it can seriously fuck up your plans. Don’t chance it.
[quote]gongon wrote:
here is how your condition may progress. From my experience - first I found that I could’nt do EZ bar curls in comfort, then I found I could’nt dochins then pullups, then it was cleans and high pulls that I had to give away because no matter how much heat I rubbed into the forearm and elbow, and how many ibrufen I took, the discomfot would always return and each and each workout became limited in what I could do.
You ever go to the gym and you see guys that are wrapped up like a mummy and do a few tentative benches and maybe some light dumbell work because that is all their bodies allow them to do. If you want to be a life-long lifter, then rest for at least 2-4 weeks. I did this fearing I would atrophy overnight - I did’nt, actually felt stronger and started slowly on those exercises that were causing me problems.
Along with the rest I wore a tennis elbow brace everyday, massaged heat into the forearm 2xday, and stretched using the exercises found on various web-sites. Look at it this way, if you want to lift for 20plus years (yes you do), is 4 weeks rest going to kill you. [/quote]
This is a great post. I’ve experienced the same type of progression with a Pec injury and with a Piriformis injury.
If you won’t rest it for the four weeks, I recommend getting some elbow sleeves (I just cut an old pair of ski socks) to keep your elbows nice and warm. Where them for house and yardwork too.
It sucks if your elbows start feeling great then you reaggravate them moving the fridge or something stupid like that. The other thing I recommend is to cut out all unnecessary movements that may aggravate. You don’t need to do Cleans at PL meets and I don’t think you have to do them at the combines either, so ditch 'em.
Alright guys, I’m gonna see how i feel on friday after a bench workout and if its not that good i think i am gonna go ahead and take about 14 days off. Thanks for all your help and i appreciate all of your tips.