Tell Me I'm Being Impatient.

I’ve been trying to eat clean since only way for me to lose fat is to control diet since I am an ecto.
Any way, for like a month or so, I’ve been watching what I eat, actually counted fat, carbs, protein and such.
I see that usually, I get fat<100g(sometimes under 50), and around 300g of carb and 300g or less of protein, also been doing 20min of cycling at moderate speed of 100calories/10min burning pace 3~4times a week.
The problem is that I see my stomach getting bigger and bigger. I’m at 180lb at 6ft1inch so I should not try to lose weight. Please diagnose me.

[quote]ghdtpdna wrote:
I’ve been trying to eat clean since only way for me to lose fat is to control diet since I am an ecto.

Most Ecto’s I know seem to be able to lose weight whilst on a KFC only diet mixed with a bit of mild intensity exercise.

You are being impatient!

You are being impatient, but you’re also not doing a long duration of cardio and you didn’t mention if you were lifting weights.

I’m naturally a skinny guy but I found that 30-45 minutes 2-3 times a week at a moderate-hard pace is optimal for me to do cardio, less than that and I don’t notice anything.

It’s hard to tell if you’re eating clean, 50-100 grams of fat is a pretty big range, try and nail that down to a more specific amount. And 300 grams is a shitload of protein, I would say it’s excessive (just from my opinion, feel free to disagree).

Try eating 5 meals with 40-50 grams of protein per meal, the rest of your calories from clean sources.

How many meals a day are you eating and what’s the calorie breakdown of those meals?

Are you lifting? What’s your lifting schedule?

Do you mean ecto or endo?

That is a lot of carbohydrates. Why are you afraid of dietary fats? I would get some calories from some good fats instead, and lower your carb intake to only PWO and breakfast.

Try canned salmon with some real mayo for example.

[quote]Gene86 wrote:
That is a lot of carbohydrates. Why are you afraid of dietary fats? I would get some calories from some good fats instead, and lower your carb intake to only PWO and breakfast.

Try canned salmon with some real mayo for example.[/quote]


and what are you being impatient about?? Not to clear on that. you say your getting a belly but your eating to gain??

6’1 180 I’d suggest you build muscle with those stats you just gave

My diagnosis is that you are suffering from Trolliosis Syndrome.