so today was an upper day, I am actually very pleased with how it went as I was able to get a really good mmc in my chest which is something I have struggled with. The workout went as follows:
Db chest press- worked up to a top set of 8. used a lot of warm up sets to get to top set to make sure I felt it in my chest.
30’sx8, 40’sx8, 45’sx8, 50’sx8 and the top set was the 55’sx8. Felt every single rep of every single set in my chest. Form started to break down a smudge on reps 6-8 of the final set so I called it there. Reading back in @robstein contest prep thread he talked about most people can’t get the mmc in there chest simply because they don’t warm it up enough and get enough blood in there. So I made sure to the extent of almost over-warming up, to make sure I felt it in my chest.
Next was dead stop barbell rows. Nothing special 3x8@135 lbs really squeezed my elbows back at the top of each rep.
Then a 3x10 on the rear delt fly machine took a bunch of warmups, then hit 55x10, 60x10 and 65x10.
The next movement, the chest supported row with dumbbells was a little difficult for me. I think I need to work on the setup a little bit more or what not, because I did not really feel these at all. I ended up lowering the weight for my last set because of that.
40’sx12, 40’sx12, (form was not lending to a solid mmc so I lowered the weight), 30’sx12
Following that was BB overhead press for a 3x8 at 85lbs. These felt awesome. I didn’t lock out fully at the top and came to so my elbows were slightly below 90 degrees, so all the tension stayed on my delts the entire set and felt great.
Next was barbell curls, 3x8 went 45x8, 50x8, and 55x8. Really focused on flexing my bicep the entire set, an extra squeeze at the top and nice 3-second negative.
And finally ended the workout with 4x25 of hanging knee raises.
Then hit 15 minutes of LISS on the bike and called it a day.
Weight was up to 153.6 today but I splurged a bit as we went out with the family for mother’s day yesterday, but back on track so far today.
Tomorrow will be a lower day, which I am looking forward to, but I am really happy with how today’s workout went, especially since I felt I was using the proper muscle in most exercises instead of just simply moving the weight.