Long time lurker, new poster. Thought I would post my training log so I can get some feedback/advice.
Little background on me: Im 26 years old. I started lifting with my old man in high school. Built a pretty good lean physique at around 160Lbs (small being that I was 6’2) but I knew nothing about diet or nutrition so I never really put on size. Just got pretty “skinny buff”. Went into MMA when I turned 20 for about two years and got even leaner. At this point All I wanted was to reach 180 (in my mind that was the magic hulk number for me haha. I was dumb). Called it quits on the fighting game after having my first son with my wife.
I decided to start getting serious about weight training and putting on the size Id always wanted. So I began with learning all I could about diet and hit the Strongman 5x5 program hard for a year. Made some solid gains and reached 190 that year.
At this point I got cocky/stupid and thought I could handle DC training. I was wrong. Made it about three months in before stalling out completely on the progression side of the program. So, pride wounded and lessons learned I went back the the 5x5 program for another year.
Then I made the jump into the Strongman world of lifting. And I LOVE it. Ive been following a program based on strongman for a little over a year now. Which is the one I will write out now so I can get feedback on it.
Side note: In the past three and a half years I have gone from 160 shredded and lean to 245 and solid. Id estimate Im sitting at around 16-18% bodyfat most days (it varies alot for me. Sometimes I wake up 8 lbs lighter than I went to bed so I look good in the AM)
So now for the program. It is three week cycle with each week increasing in weight and decreasing in volume. I simply call it Light, medium, heavy, repeat.
Monday: Back Squat 3x10 5x5 3x3
Stones 5x5 5x5 5x5
M Press 4x8 5x5 5x3
Bent Row — 3x10 -----
Easy -bar curls and pullups as a finisher
Wed: Deadlift 3x10 5x5 3x3
Log Press 3x10 5x5 5x3
Farmers W -----8-10 20 yard laps----
Hanging leg raise for cool-down
Fri: F Squat 3x10 5x5 3x3
Sumo Dead 5x5 3x3 5x5
Bench Pre 3x10 5x5 3x3
Close grip Press —3x10—
Incline curls ----3x8----
Hammer curls ----3x8----
Bodyweight Core work untill Im spent
My best lifts so far:
465x3 deadlift (thats all the weight I have in my garage gym)
465x3 Sumo Dead
385x3 Back squat
295x3 Front Squat
205x3 Military press
225x2 Log press
325x3 Bench press ( No spotter has kept me at this number for over six months now)
190 per hand for Farmers
Nothing impressive for my bodyweight I know but Im working my ass off to try and get better. Im usually running about 9 weeks before taking a week off unless Im just feeling really good then I stretch it another few weeks.
Im going to do the Dan Johns 40 day easy strength as a short break and then get right back to this after.
Anyways, any feed back would be greatly appreciated. I know Im a new guy on the block so posting here is a bit intimidating. All you guys have some seriously impressive stats. If its needed I can get some videos up once I can talk my wife into doing it for me.