Love the program! Doing BBB, but does it matter how frequent assistance sets are taken near failure for hypertrophy? IE would 12,12,10,8,8 (if that’s how it worked out nearing technical failure on each set) have an advantage over straight sets 5*10?
How essential is nearing technical failure in the repetition method? Is it a better option for increasing growth since sets to failure have been brought up in Jim’s article on DeFranco’s WS for Skinny Bastards and the 5/3/1 Bodybuilder template.
[quote]Jim Wendler wrote:
It doesn’t matter unless it fucks up your main work. If it does, it’s wrong. It’s as simple as that. [/quote]
What should one do if im doing bbb challenge and cant do 5x10?
Restpause to get the reps?
Any advice Jim?
Wondering same about assistance work after the assistance work, like chans. Im guessing i shouldnt do chins if i cant do 5x10, but rather do pulldowns?
[quote]Jim Wendler wrote:
It doesn’t matter unless it fucks up your main work. If it does, it’s wrong. It’s as simple as that. [/quote]
What should one do if im doing bbb challenge and cant do 5x10?
Restpause to get the reps?
Any advice Jim?
Wondering same about assistance work after the assistance work, like chans. Im guessing i shouldnt do chins if i cant do 5x10, but rather do pulldowns?[/quote]
Try harder. It’s a challenge thus its supposed to be hard. Keep trying and grinding. Your other question makes zero sense - assistance after assistance?
Don’t want to speak for the poster, but guessing its in reference to:
“The assistance work following the assistance work (yeah, I know it’s confusing) is important but I wouldn’t keep track of it. It’s important that the upper body work be paired with a pulling movement (in this case some kind of row or chin up works best).”
bud one of the main draws of 531, besides its effectiveness, is it’s simplicity.
Lots of your questions have been answered numerous times, Googleing or rereading the literature before you ask is recommended. Yes, do pull downs if you can’t do chins and graduate to chins when you can, or do however many chins you can and finish it off w/ some band pull-aparts. Just get some pulling in. If you can’t do the 5 sets of 10, then just do it until you’ve reached 50 reps; you’re trying to add volume and push yourself, not see how many sets of 10 you can do. Both of these answers either are in the books or previously written articles.
Odds are if it wasn’t mentioned in the books, other articles, or previous forums, it probably isn’t all that important anyways and not worth worrying about. I wish you the best of luck.